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HighGuyTim t1_iuhv7o1 wrote

I think it’s romanticizing to think that there are “kill teams” in Russian cities. That’s very much just taking information from movies and thinking they are real.

Even if a vacuum was created, dealing with a dead Putin and a broken Russia now is 100% easier than a famine right now.

They probably are trying to figure out ways to take him out, but I highly doubt there are teams just idling their thumbs waiting.


diMario t1_iuiguqe wrote

In one form or another, the possibilities are being explored and implemented.

Perhaps there are no spooks actually living in those cities with the intention of going out and killing people on short notice.

Intelligence is being gathered, and plans are continually updated. Could be they send in teams when the moment turns critical. Could be they target them through blackmail. Could be they block their access to financial assets.