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vengefulspirit99 t1_iud9h6e wrote

Westinghouse literally went bankrupt building these ap1000s for a project going overbudget. They were bought out by Brookfield in 2018 after their chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2017.


Teantis t1_iudvsvf wrote

Westinghouse basically helped the Marcos family steal a fucktin of money building a 'nuclear power plant' in the Philippines in the 80s that never ever came close to being operational but still cost a fucktin if money.

From an academic article in 1994 ten years after the plant was rsted as unsafe without ever operating:

> The construction of the Philippine's first nuclear power plant by Westinghouse has come to symbolize the corruption and cronyism of the Marcos' years. The plant has created so much controversy that it has yet to operate, in a country that desperately needs electrical power.

Edit: fuckton but apparently autocorrect likes fucktin


HannsGruber t1_iudivkh wrote

I bought a Westinghouse inverter generator on Amazon and as I sit here in the desert, smelling like gas having filled it for the 5th time in 30 hours...


My Firman I left at home would run for 16 hours on a tank but it was loud af


Gtp4life t1_iuf0pxn wrote

But is it less efficient or does it just have a smaller tank? My friend’s F150 can go like 100mi further on a tank than my fusion. It also has almost double the tank size.