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BeeSpecialist446 t1_iuboqw6 wrote

Why do they choose a country, that has no experience in building modern reactors? The newest reactor in the USA started 2016 but construction begin was 1973. This country is experimenting on a different continent. And when something goes wrong? Not even their problem


Ok_Name_291 t1_iubqbu6 wrote

Yeah no experience if you forget their entire submarine and carrier force is nuclear powered.


Mamadeus123456 t1_iucavte wrote

Not same type of reactor or requirements, irrelevant


Professor_P_nomics t1_iuch01i wrote

Yes comrade, stupid Amerikans don't know shit about nuclear and should have gone with weaker country French as ally


Mamadeus123456 t1_iucjw4u wrote

France already building shit ton of EPRs, US most likely came with the best incentives (price discounts) its basically the US updating their reactor technology with polanda ans EU money


philipp2310 t1_iucsh5x wrote

Murica first! Peasants from 3rd world France don’t know shit, right? /s What a shitty comment…


unsteadied t1_iud78j8 wrote

France was massively over budget and behind schedule on the last reactor they were contracted to build for a foreign nation.


Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_iuf0i6x wrote

What’s funny is while the peasant part would be a stupid bigoted label your comment isn’t even that far off cause France can’t seem to pull that type of infrastructure development off to save their lives


raging_sycophant t1_iubwwtv wrote

That's not true, we have a new reactor coming online in GA, at Plant Vogtle. Reactor building began in 2009 and is slated to open in 23.


Cynical_Cabinet t1_iubshq7 wrote

Hey, that's not fair. USA started construction on 3 different reactors within the last 20 years, VC Summer and Vogtle 3+4, and absolutely nothing went wrong during construction.


Ayylmaothoughyaknow t1_iubqfsc wrote

not their problem? where is the legal document you are citing that clears them of all responsibility of anything? Where are the proposals for the project that show new experimental designs that lack scientific basis?

Or did you perhaps make that up and base it on literal propaganda you read