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BlazingSaint OP t1_itw80vh wrote

Let the whole world know. This is a fucking tragedy. Emperor penguins are one of the coolest cutest animals on this planet and is soon to be wiped away due to greed and hot steaming misery.


RandomStuffGenerator t1_itweeks wrote

If it serves as consolation, we are not that far down the list of beings that are gonna be wiped away... Climate change is coming for us too


Styvan01 t1_itwme2z wrote

But hey let's focus on the bottom line...


stinkybasket t1_itznp3f wrote

The important question, will the stock market be safe?


loveispenguins t1_itwwpy3 wrote

They smell awful but it’s true they’re cool and cute.


IcyWorth8961 t1_itx2bqx wrote

> they’re cool

Actually, I think they manage to keep their body temperature at 37 degrees Celsius.