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Technical_Airline205 t1_iujq8oo wrote

How to start a revolution in 3 easy steps.


FYoCouchEddie t1_iujxpue wrote

Sadly, it will be very difficult for it to turn into a real revolution unless part of the army switches sides or western countries are able to arm the protesters. The regime knows it’s fighting for its life. They used to mock the Shah for stepping down semi-voluntarily; they won’t do the same thing.


spidersinterweb t1_iuk1xgh wrote

Plus a bunch of those killed have been Kurds or other minorities, so there's a chance the regime can at least partially polarize this on the basis of ethnicity in order to (somewhat) reduce opposition - minority rights and potential secession tends not to be popular even with more reform minded Iranians iirc

But idk. Hopefully I'm wrong, hopefully revolution occurs and succeeds, hopefully Iran ends up a free and democratic country while also giving freedom and independence to the Kurds and other oppressed minorities in the country


Fyremane0 t1_iujp0qb wrote

Followed by public punishment and public executions


r0ndy t1_iujyo9u wrote

Yeup! Though those events could turn to riots I'd think


Cerealllllls t1_iujqbq5 wrote

I am sure this will make the protestors give up and not make matters worse /S


bhuddistchipmonk t1_iujw3pv wrote

If I was a protestor, this would just motivate me more because I knew 2000 of my comrades needed me to keep fighting or they’d never get free.