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Lvl100Centrist t1_iu8ca0b wrote

Bell Curve - An extremely popular best seller. Yet we are told that this kind of books are forbidden. This is done in bad faith.

The Mythical Taboo on Race and Intelligence - yet the "race researcher" mentioned in this post is inventing imaginary oppression. - there are no separate or distinct "races". A "race" is a sociopolitical classification, not a genetic or biological one.

Measure the "intelligence" (a difficult thing in itself) of groups that cannot be objectively defined is destined to fail.

Also: Race is a social construct


ABinturong t1_iu8wf46 wrote

The dummies downvoting you need a time out, thanks for the sources!


Lvl100Centrist t1_iu8yxpw wrote

I am used to it. People pushing these race & intelligence narratives are almost always vicious authoritarians.