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Someoneoverthere42 t1_iujjp92 wrote

So, is this “I’m just being stubborn” silence, or, “I’m seeing if I have enough allies in the police and military to trigger a coup” silence?


Kent_Knifen t1_iujol31 wrote

That depends. If he doesn't have the military's support, the former. If he does have the military's support, then it's the latter.


asphias t1_iujudoa wrote

ah, the old "hey wouldn't it be fun if we went out on a date haha j/k unless...?"


esperanzanaut t1_iuk2qdh wrote

me: "well, I actually don't find you attractive in that way"



MorgenMariamne t1_iuk8rm5 wrote

The guys with actual power in the military wants him gone so they can go back to not being in any news.


VicPL t1_iuk1vl6 wrote

No one knows. What one actually knows is that the heads of the other powers -- congress, senate, justice branch etc, including his allies, were very quick to ratify the results and congratulate Lula and the 'free, fair and credible elections'. It was an implicit, but very clear, "we won't help you with any shenanigans, shut up and take the L".

So he'll probably just take the L eventually.


cerreur t1_iuk6mng wrote

There's probably a coup coming.
Hopefully it's level january 6th. so it will fail.


IntentionDeep651 t1_iuk8qqi wrote

yeah he is waiting if some luck steikes in his way so he can grab the power , same thing orange pal did. if people die so be it but I had to milk my 15 mintes of fame you know …


infinitejestinfinite t1_iuj82k3 wrote

One of his sons just conceded on Twitter. That's a good sign.


godsenfrik t1_iujdi0b wrote

It's not an unambiguous concession. It's all very reminiscent of the days after the 2000 US Presidential election.


lolzacksnyderfans t1_iujkrsk wrote

Oh right, the election where SCOTUS stepped in and gave the win to Bush despite Gore having more votes, leading to the decline of the country we are still seeing today.

Hopefully the same thing doesn't happen in Brazil.


godsenfrik t1_iujpk15 wrote

Shit, I meant 2020, it was a typo, but it's always good to remember what happened after 2000 too.


AntSure t1_iuk6ijy wrote

2000 makes more sense than 2020. 2020 Trump was crying rigged election months before voting began and was on an all out legal and illegal spree trying to find some method of staying in power immediately after the race was called.


piclemaniscool t1_iujot5l wrote

That's not what happened. Gore won the popular vote but Bush won the electoral college. Most people agree its a dumb system in this day and age, but it's disingenuous to leave out that everything was done per procedure.


Jestdrum t1_iujpmrd wrote

But the Supreme Court stopped the recount in Florida, which likely could've given Gore the electoral vote too.


drmcsinister t1_iujumc8 wrote

That's not totally true either:

Depends on how the ballots would have been counted.


Glioneuronal t1_iujxxp4 wrote

Yes, if Bush’s brother wasn’t destroying votes in black districts arbitrarily it would have been over quickly.


Philypnodon t1_iuk87rr wrote

While only a few ppl know for certain, this seems the most likely scenario. 2000 was a clusterfuck. Just imagine what the world would look like if Gore had actually become president... While I can't actually know, I assume we'd be in a much, much better place than now. So yeah, fuck Jeb. Stupid Mofo


offensiveusernamemom t1_iukanhx wrote

Gore, good chance they would have stopped 9/11, McCain in 04/08, Obama 12/16. Bush's wars screwed a lot of things up for this country, arguably he was worse then Trump, but we get rid of Trump in this timeline too.


AntSure t1_iuk7dyl wrote

>everything was done per procedure

Was it? Had they counted the votes quickly and accurately Al Gore would have won under the electoral college.

It was a 5-4 Federal Supreme Court ruling where they forced Florida to stop it's recount which defied Florida's own laws and Florida's own Supreme Court ruling. The whole thing was unprecedented. Had the recount been allowed to continue as was Florida's law then Al Gore would have become the President under the Electoral College. Only because SCOTUS stopped the recount did he lose.


Ineverus t1_iujpop6 wrote

It's also disingenuous to leave out the absolutely sketchy actions of the republicans leading up to and during the Florida recount, including confusing ballots being printed, intimidation of recount workers by "protestors" flown in by the RNC, and the whole thing being overseen by a republican florida state secretary (in a state governed by Jeb Bush).


Vkusno-Nutty t1_iujx83p wrote

Yes, lots of sketchy actions, but the bad ballot design that caused Gore to lose the presidency was the result of a Democrat's decision. Theresa LePore's incompetence changed the course of history.


WaxednVaxed t1_iuk5d4m wrote

Ah yes a single person caused all of this, not the massively corrupt political organization that has directly reaped the rewards, who BTW are currently obstructing investigations into their own attempted coup of the government. Glad we have an article to absolve the entire GOP of guilt.


Vkusno-Nutty t1_iuk9i9h wrote

That one person did make a very consequential decision. No one said that decision caused everything that's ever happened since, lol. Your straw man is ridiculous.


Rapha31 t1_iujca12 wrote

Wait what? Really?


infinitejestinfinite t1_iujcouo wrote

Yes. Here is the tweet. He is also a senator and campaign manager for Jair Bolsonaro.


Dependent_Yesterday9 t1_iujdw2n wrote

>Thank you to everyone who helped us rescue patriotism, who prayed, prayed, took to the streets, gave their sweat for the country that is working and gave Bolsonaro the biggest vote of his life! Let's raise our heads and let's not give up on our Brazil! God in charge!

That does not exactly read as a concession of any kind.


infinitejestinfinite t1_iujefro wrote

Maybe it's lost in translation, but the message in Portuguese has the tone of concession. The "Let's raise our heads" part usually means you have been defeated here in Brazil. So with that context, while I agree it is still ambiguous, it is still interpreted by us as a concession.


Dependent_Yesterday9 t1_iujepey wrote

Ah, well thank you for the syntax help much appreciated. Well for everyone in Brazil I hope that is true and wish you the best.


0scar_alh0 t1_iujpd67 wrote

I just read it in Portuguese and it has the same ambiguous tone. "Let's not give up" can both be interpreted as "we won't accept these results" and "we accept these results but we'll continue fighting for our vision"


asj3004 t1_iujnocu wrote

Yeah, but no. It is very ambiguous. "Let's not give up on our Brazil!" may mean simply "let's not give up".


infinitejestinfinite t1_iujopg4 wrote

Pretty much all of Bolsonaro's allies have issued statements accepting the results. This statement by Flavio is more ambiguous, but given that most people from both sides have accepted the results, I still interpret it as a statement meaning "thanks, we tried, let's move on".

I could be wrong, but all signs are pointing to the results being accepted.

There's a chance these truck protests can grow and then a lot of the politicians go back on their statements. But I think that is unlikely at this time.


[deleted] t1_iujkkt3 wrote



infinitejestinfinite t1_iujm5u8 wrote

I completely agree. A more clear concession is still needed. Specially since there have been some truck drivers protesting on/blocking highways along the country waiting to hear what Jair Bolsonaro has to say about the results.

But the first member of the family to speak out making this statement (which to me still sound like a concession from his part) is a better sign than if he had been silent or made a statement outright contesting the result.


submittedanonymously t1_iujkvtb wrote

That very well could be the plan - lower the defenses of those you are against while simultaneously trying to raise spirits for those you support.

Possibly lost-in-translation moment as well, however it’s a little harder when many of the words and the order they are used are unmistakeable in what emotion they want to provoke - here it seems to lead more to the “we fight a holier fight, a harder fight than we had hoped to have rigged for ourselves anticipated.”

Bolsanaro and Co have been talking about unfair elections since he won the last election and called it unfair because he “shoulda won with more votes than that.” This is simply them holding out time until they get their messaging on point and start spreading the lies.

If that’s not the case, I will deep fry a shoe. (I won’t eat it. I just… wanna try it, ya know?)


tok90235 t1_iujdiuy wrote

Shit, this don't make me feel any better actually


zekethelizard t1_iujftd9 wrote

The fact he's keeping his big mouth shut is the most encouraging thing to expect. Would have thought he'd be running his mouth about cheating and fraud and all the usual bullshit for hours before the race was called


Solomon_Grungy t1_iujjoro wrote

Hes trying to secure as much $$ as possible on his way out.


Atheios569 t1_iuk1s59 wrote

It’s a one way street. He’s scared, but his peers (globally), and constituents expect it. They didn’t even change the wording; “Stop the steal”.


abrandis t1_iujo78x wrote

The fact that he hasn't conceded, tells you he's weighing his alternatives, but he'll have to say something one way or another soon. But knowing this guy he's not likely to concede, given how close the popular vote was.


Dragull t1_iujjboq wrote

"Maybe if I ignore result I can keep being president."


dwitman t1_iuj7nui wrote

I feel like violence in this situation is almost a foregone conclusion.


calmdownmyguy t1_iujasns wrote

For every 1000 make believe tough guy conservatives you see on the Internet only one of them even has a chance of actually doing anything.


Jonnny t1_iuk7exv wrote

But that's still 50 of them to form a (mostly nonviolent) mob, and still 5 or 10 violent dumbfucks. Multiply this several times, with energy running high, and you've got some ugly situations.


jpf137 t1_iuje9pr wrote

Who do you think will back his antics? Nobody outside the country, much less than half the people inside.


kerred t1_iujo55y wrote

If I was him I would solicit donations from my worshippers/voters.


jpf137 t1_iujt0vx wrote

...profit! :$


kerred t1_iujzi7f wrote

I feel like Trump could have crazy stupid money if he mailed his followers like a televangelist.

I bet his advisors thought of a bunch of ways then though "this will collapse before we can run with the money"


What_its_full_of t1_iuk6rdi wrote

I thought he was doing exactly that.

Isn’t a large part of the reason that he doesn’t declare for 2024 because any donations then become campaign contributions that have to be accountable?

In the meantime, I thought he was raising money for imaginary court cases and spending it on cheeseburgers.

Édit. Words


dwitman t1_iujzsz3 wrote

My worry would be the police or the military or both. I don’t know much about Brazil, less than I’d like to actually…so hopefully these are unfounded fears.


Bad_Mad_Man t1_iujj05w wrote

Maybe the shock left him permanently speechless. I know, unlikely. One can dream.


VinylJitsu t1_iujmrts wrote

He hasn't been seen in public for more than 24 hours. He could even be dead, we don't know. Not that I believe that, we are not that lucky.


Meb2x t1_iukarjt wrote

I really hope Lula has some strong security. I don’t think Bolsonaro is gonna roll over quietly


Bailey_O t1_iujybq8 wrote

Conservatives across the globe are the biggest cry babies when they lose. 😭👶🏻


abrandis t1_iujo818 wrote

The fact that he hasn't conceded, tells you he's weighing his alternatives, but he'll have to say something one way or another soon. But knowing this guy he's not likely to concede, given how close the popular vote was.


Miss_Direction_Jr t1_iuk57ds wrote

In 3.....2......1........ VOTER FRAUD ^^(*)

(*) A little trick I learned from traitor trump and comrade putin!


TresOjos t1_iuk8zmj wrote

He is a Trump type, it won't end well.


kalel1980 t1_iujh7zj wrote

Maybe he's plotting..


Millertym2 t1_iujir6o wrote

He’s either plotting something or pathetically weeping and isolating himself because he lost


Magoimortal t1_iujjpkq wrote

Classic nothing happens feijoada from his government


kaloi_hu t1_iujlnbn wrote

Using his call-a-friend lifeline to consult with trump...


kayak_enjoyer t1_iujs7za wrote

Trump: "Fuck if I know. I tried one thing and it didn't work."


SuperBock64 t1_iuk460s wrote

He must be getting tips from Trump on how to handle his loss.


[deleted] t1_iuje16r wrote



kathia154 t1_iujfnfg wrote

IMO if he just leaves the office and allows peacful transition of power it will speak better of him than the alternative.


Ok_Investigator_1010 t1_iujiwhs wrote

Dude ngl but I don’t want to find out. I’m not from Brazil but I hope the army doesn’t back a coup and everyone just accepts the elections.

Shits crazy enough in the world.


OllieGarkey t1_iujnztx wrote

On the one hand I completely agree. On the other hand, I post to /r/noncredibledefense, so there's a part of me that wants to see the US lead an OAS-Sanctioned intervention to make sure Lula takes office and to defend American (Hemispheric) Democracy.

That is a bad outcome because it would kill people, and I would prefer it not happen, but if it did I would enjoy the coping and seething from right wingers and tankies alike, who seem to be on the same side most of the time.


MGD109 t1_iujpcph wrote

From what I've read Bolsonaro lost a lot of his popularity with the rank and file, meanwhile numerous senior general's don't like him either.

As such a military coup is probably not on the cards.


MGD109 t1_iujpg4k wrote

Well I have to admit I wasn't expecting that. Maybe he'll do the decent thing and concede defeat with dignity?

Its a long shot, but who knows stranger things have happened.


WeaselTeamSix t1_iujsp6l wrote

Hopefully they secure their top secret documents. We all know what happens when rightwing losers are on their way out. They get the sticky fingers.


TurdCutter t1_iujw4i3 wrote

Quietly planning his coup.


spacepoo77 t1_iujxud4 wrote

He'll be waiting for instructions from his master


Fuzzy-Mango1795 t1_iuk3tlg wrote

He's gonna wait til 2024 and hope is POs friend wins in the US. He'll stay quiet til then


Known_Soft_7599 t1_iukazjd wrote

That's because Putin told him not to concede


Textification t1_iujz6og wrote

Jair has his very own hertz donut.