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Harley-Quinn5636 t1_iujyh70 wrote

Wholeheartedly agree, they probably already have family down here (like me 🙋🏾‍♀️) or if they don’t, they’ll form a new one with the HUGE community down in South Florida.


OllieGarkey t1_iujzaxk wrote

That's probably true! Also, Haitians are awesome. More Haitians means a ton of new businesses and economic growth and there's already a super vibrant community that can welcome them and help them get settled. And it'd make DeSantis angry.

(Also, y'all's food is awesome. Pumpkin soup is as amazing as it is symbolic.)

Fuck that guy for playing games with (in the cases involved) legal immigrants. Man should be in jail for defrauding them and engaging in human trafficking as a political stunt.


PaterPoempel t1_iuka9qi wrote

>that can welcome them and help them get settled.

There's a limited capacity for that. If too many are coming at the same time, they can't be integrated and you are just creating a Haiti 2.0 .