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connor42 t1_iu4hbsb wrote

The 2019 Nobel Peace Prize winner launched an ethnic war in 2020 where 600,000 are dead so far and whose forces have consistently used extrajudicial killings, rape and starvation on civilian populations


mayonnaiser_13 t1_iu4mf0y wrote

Same goes for 2009.

Mfer got a peace prize while calling in drone strikes on Middle East.


zyncronet t1_iu4sdpr wrote

This is why the Nobel peace prize means nothing, Fun fact: Stalin and Hitler were also nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize


ne0nite t1_iu4wx08 wrote

All people who fulfills the official criterias can be nominators. This is not controlled by the Nobel Institute, and a nomination means nothing before they are selected as candidates on the short-list by the Nobel Comittee.

Hitler was suggested as a joke by a Swede and withdrawn shortly after, and Stalin got a nomination for "his efforts to end World War II".

Again, nominations are not created by the Nobel Institute. I do agree that awarding Obama the prize was a stupid choice.


Rhannmah t1_iu9bxew wrote

I hate the fucking Nobel peace prize, it's based on literally nothing and just serves to cheapen the value of the real Nobels, those for science. The Literature prize can fuck off too.


[deleted] t1_iu5jmmc wrote



cchiu23 t1_iu5m4fl wrote

Just casually lauding/desiring a genocide of russians, cool cool


hypnoticlycaucasian t1_iu5qw9z wrote

If you would be so kind as to collect your tears in a ziplock bag, I will happily pay for the costs of shipping and handling.


cchiu23 t1_iu5mi0o wrote

Hey hey, let's not forget the OG, kissinger got a nobel peace prize too


hypnoticlycaucasian t1_iu5jxyn wrote

>muh drone strikes

Awarding the Peace Prize to Obama was absolutely a farce that drove one of plenty nails into the prize's credibility coffin, but whacking moles in the Middle East was not one of the reasons for that. Collateral wedding damages withstanding.


29PiecesOfSilver OP t1_iu4jztx wrote

Yes, I notice a pattern here… BTW… Why is North Korea also not on this list of potential future winners, yet?


bookcupcontroller t1_iu4zzyh wrote

No he didn’t, he declared war on a rogue element of the government that actually initiated the violence


shortwing8734 t1_iu6nbfe wrote

This is pure fabrication. The war was started by an ethnically constituted party/regional government that launched a preemptive attack on the national forces of the country. They went on to take possession of the majority of the armaments for the army that happened to be stationed in the region they controlled.

There is no circumstance in which a leader of a country witnesses an attack on the national army, whose armaments (including long range missiles) are looted and doesn't respond with force, and that's what he did. That number of deaths you quoted isn't based on any evidence or data. There is also no evidence his forces "consistently" used extrajudicial killings or rape or starvation. A joint investigation with the UN already conducted proved as much.
