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HappySkullsplitter t1_iuh0s1k wrote

Temporarily, they'll have the lights back on soon

Russia on the other hand, will never have its honor back

Terrorists to the end


Aldarund t1_iuh1poo wrote

Soon with constant blackout for prolonged periods. Today they hit like 30+ energy stations, substations, etc in whole country


Financial_Glove603 t1_iuh3jy1 wrote

Yea you don’t fix major substation and transformers quickly.

They will be without power for a while


Rum-Ham-Jabroni t1_iuh68ui wrote

These things take time to fix let along get the parts imported. Which is why Russia has waited as close to winter as they possibly could to hit these targets. No point doing it earlier in the war when they could just be repaired again. Now this close to winter it's about to get very cold for many.


BrexitReally t1_iuhf1uy wrote

Oh well as said above they will get fixed but Russia is now a pariah terrorist state and will suffer sanctions and destroyed economy for decades to come.


littlebubulle t1_iuial5k wrote

To quote Tyrion Lannister : "I'm not questioning your honor. I am denying it's existence".


HarakenQQ OP t1_iuh09dv wrote

For everyone who can and wants to help Ukraine bring victory closer - State site where you can donate directly to Ukraine


9Wind t1_iuh3tmk wrote

Its really telling when Russia bombs important infrastructure and not bombing kids its still useless on a military level because its a childish tantrum.

It spends months bombing playgrounds, and when it hits actual infrastructure its so far behind the front line its only use is to tell Ukraine how butt hurt Russia is right now. Bombing Kyiv isn't going to help them win in Donbas.

This isnt a professional army attacking logistics, these are just petty man children who used to be Soviet officers if you look up their military history who toss missiles in a tantrum.

These toddlers had their finger on the button for the entire cold war, its amazing the world survived if this is how they act.


Responsible_Pizza945 t1_iuiiip0 wrote

It's less amazing when you realize they can get away with shit like this with no real immediate consequence. They know nobody will do anything to them because of this. But they also know pushing the big red button will get them immediately retaliated against. So they don't push that button.


restform t1_iuh9pl8 wrote

What does this even mean


Eladriol t1_iuhfgc2 wrote

That the poster has been conditioned to mindlessly insult bad things with quips without thinking anything through.


gentleman_snake t1_iuha6vz wrote

Russia is terrorist country.



YouAreInsufferable t1_iui5g16 wrote

Wish nukes weren't a thing. Would love to reciprocate :).


octahexx t1_iuj88d0 wrote

If there was no nukes ww3 would already be going on with millions dead on all sides.


chuttad123 t1_iuhhcyo wrote

Orgy in the dark I guess..


antsinmypants3 t1_iui4d2f wrote

And they get upset if Ukraine retaliates😑