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Textification t1_iudt54k wrote

Only good news in this story is that it looks like no one was hurt by the fire.


Test19s t1_iudzb2v wrote

Possible terrorism


Splenda t1_iue7c34 wrote

"Madman who blames immigrants for his failures makes futile gesture before he offs himself."

So sad in a dozen different ways.


glitter_h1ppo t1_iuepwya wrote

Sounds like right-wing domestic terrorism to me.

> The Metropolitan police said its counter-terrorism officers were not involved in the investigation.

Why not?


FistingLube t1_iug5thl wrote

Yet again the governments inept understanding and funding of mental health care rears it's ugly head.

Most of all the horror stories we see in the news had an opportunity to have been addressed earlier but GP's can't do much in their 10miin time slot per patient and simply dish out 'anti-depressants' which in some people with mental health issues cause a feeling of disassociation, where nothing is real anymore like it's all a dream and nothing has any real consequence.

Funding into mens clubs might also help, like places men that have issues can meet other dudes to hang out with and talk shit out. It used to be called the pub BUT who the hell can afford to hang around there at £4.50 a pint these days??


Emotional-Coffee13 t1_iugikyj wrote

It’s pathetic that people can’t decipher late phase capitalism & humanitarian crisis’s at all borders after decades of the US & UK wreaking havoc that they blame the poorest who r just trying to survive ffs


LeSmokie t1_iuhfvzz wrote

I am quite ok with that part of the outcome