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LoquaciousBumbaclot t1_iud8ohm wrote

> I will say firmly and adamantly that the leadership of both parties are knowingly complicit in our extinction.

Even if the worst predictions of the kookiest climate doomers were to come true, I can assure you that mankind would not go extinct. Pockets of population would survive (as they always have) and adapt to the changing conditions through technical means. On a longer scale, evolution would kick in and produce humans that are biologically adapted to live in the new climate.


Cosmonaut15 t1_iud9ol2 wrote

Ok. That's still an unfathomable, dire scenario full of untold suffering for all life on the planet. Have some humanity.

We have to address overconsumption first. We can't innovate around the fact that western society is consuming far beyond their needs while feeling the LEAST impact compared to poor countries with competitively nonexistent emission levels. Again, have some humanity.


Shadow_Lazer t1_iudal1r wrote

Brilliant logic, with no signs of logical fallacies.

Humans will survive because they always have.

Humans will survive because technology.

Humans will survive because evolution.

#1 we have not always existed, and we are mortal.

#2 our technology requires a lot to function, it breaks down, need new parts, stable power, etc

#3 evolution doesn't work as fast as the environment is changing

Just more hubris for the pile