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mycall t1_iuddfeq wrote

That's crazy. Imagine getting divorced at 3:40am or at 4:40am.


Crazy_Chain4468 t1_iue6av2 wrote

it’s not literally every 10 minutes dork. it’s so many that if you spaced them, it’s every ten minutes


LessIndependence8983 t1_iue8bhk wrote

Would be easier to man the phones at births, deaths and marriages if it was so orderly though


Gman1111110 t1_iue96uc wrote

Proving that marriage to cousins is not a good idea.


Totala69 t1_iudvp93 wrote

May Iran succeed in his way out to democracy and inspire others


8ew8135 t1_iufzja1 wrote

What an absolutely useless statistic.


reven80 t1_iuegba4 wrote

Maybe they should aggregate the reporting to once a day?


Love_Parahuman t1_iud979x wrote

What a Surprise /s


bertiebasit t1_iud9h2p wrote

What you mean?


zenzukai t1_iudkkvd wrote

You'd expect a nation like Saudi Arabia has a lot of marital bliss?


8ew8135 t1_iug0f3d wrote

I’m surprised divorce is legal and marriage isn’t for life because of religious practices.

Why would you think these divorces are because the woman is unhappy? Why would you think women get to choose to get divorced?

You assume women aren’t happy because they don’t have choice but you also assume they have the choice to divorce?

What a half-baked thought.


zenzukai t1_iug12ix wrote

Divorce isn't unislamic. Not recommended, but definitely still in the realm of legal, even by sharia law. Even big Mo got the big D.


8ew8135 t1_iujneps wrote

Oh I know, I’m questioning everyone else’s stereotypes by providing alternative stereotypes and try to break their narrow thinking.


ukna10 t1_iufaa7k wrote

They haven’t told the whole story in the article. Arabian rich started traveling around Europe on a regular basis and of course they highly appreciate the services provided by the sex workers over here. The interesting part is how they go around committing the sin of adultery - they hire a priest, marry the prostitute in the evening, enjoy their wedding night and divorce her in the morning. Voilà


[deleted] t1_iuczmv5 wrote



3dio t1_iud8yng wrote

It's nothing more than a contract between partners


[deleted] t1_iudns7f wrote

Why would you willingly forfeit any part of your sovereignty to another person? That’s ridiculously stupid.


3dio t1_iuds8am wrote

It's not that dissimilar to business contracts. Only social, for the purpose of establishing a family. Why we people use contacts at all in this life? Well lookup the human issue of trust.


kdmz001 t1_iud1bze wrote

Were you born out of marriage?


[deleted] t1_iudnysw wrote

I love the idea that you think you or your opinion matters.


woongo t1_iudtaha wrote

You sound like you have some issues to work through tbh


[deleted] t1_iuduljk wrote

I love presumptive people on the internet. The idea that YOUR opinion matters is golden. Oh wise one, what diagnoseth thee as my ailment?


woongo t1_iuduqns wrote

My opinion doesn't matter any more than yours does :-)


[deleted] t1_iudvh1c wrote

Wow you’re almost too boring to even reply to


Skeletore-full-power t1_iud5twq wrote

Getting married puts you at the mercy of the most invasive government body of all.

Family Court, no other court has this level of power over you for merely civil matters.


DerisionConsulting t1_iudfldf wrote

In the exact same way as living together for a period of a year or more, depending on the country.


[deleted] t1_iud6tu3 wrote

So…like I said, it’s a mistake.
