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reptillion t1_je4syq4 wrote

Space has no size it’s ever expanding


Zeustitandog t1_je6svxe wrote

Still has a size dhmbass

My cup can hold 1 gallon

In a year it will hold 2

Rn it holds 1

It has 1 gallon of space


DEEP_SEA_MAX t1_je7j3w5 wrote

Except, from our perspective, that cup is expanding faster than the speed of light. The observable part of the cup we're in is all we will ever know. Even if we invented a spaceship that went the speed of light, we wouldn't be able to fly it to edge of the observable universe, let alone the edge of the cup.


reptillion t1_je8a0nh wrote

Hints no measurable size because it’s expanding away from us