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Embarrassed-Writer61 t1_je3xwqk wrote

'Good. Italian meats and cheeses are too delicious to be threatened by tech crap.'

Logical fallacy number 1. Appeal to nature. You assume that natural things (Italian meats and cheeses) are inherently better than artificial things (tech crap, lab-grown stuff).

Logical fallacy 2. Slippery slope: You claim that lab-grown food will lead to a series of negative consequences (harm profit, reduce quality, create inequality) without providing any evidence or explanation for how this will happen.

Logical fallacy 3. False dilemma: You only suggest only two options (real quality ingredients or simulacra of a burger) and ignore any other possible alternatives or middle grounds.


Schrodingers_tombola t1_je3y7u3 wrote

Well I guess we'll have to wait and see if my logical fallacies end up being accurate.
