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ulmen24 t1_jec4qr5 wrote


[deleted] t1_jed36at wrote



ulmen24 t1_jed3pk3 wrote

What the fuck are you talking about? (1) I am not a fan of Trump. (2) What the fuck does Trump using campaign funds to pay off a pornstar he cheated with have to do with Biden’s botched removal from Afghanistan??


[deleted] t1_jed5v5i wrote



ulmen24 t1_jed6awi wrote

I don’t need to reference Trump whatsoever to shit on Biden. He defied the advice of his military personnel and got American service members and allies killed. And now millions of women are living in abject sex slavery all because…what…Biden “Had to go through” with it?

So you’re telling me if in his final days in office Trump signed a treaty with the UK. The treaty of “on may 1st all your women are now sex slaves”, that Biden would have said “ah well gee whiz. It isn’t great but we can’t go back on our word”?


[deleted] t1_jed9xyc wrote



ulmen24 t1_jedb6cg wrote

Im not advocating for going back - I’m saying the withdrawal was horrendous, and I wish that had not happened.

I’m glad that you recognize the importance of guns for self defense.

At what point do I let it go? Probably at the point where there aren’t comments on Reddit about how it is Trumps fault that the last female library in Afghanistan has closed.


[deleted] t1_jee07ew wrote



ulmen24 t1_jee8aoj wrote

Correct. Why is that math difficult for you?


[deleted] t1_jeear69 wrote



ulmen24 t1_jeecwlp wrote

I’m a sociopath because I pointed out the shitty job Biden did, but I also don’t like/support/whatever Trump?