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[deleted] t1_jdt4ck4 wrote

Just think, if there was a General strike in BOTH Germany, Isreal and France, all at the same time, just think of the implications.


bigmikeylikes t1_jdt6n51 wrote

Fuck it we're doing it live, strikes everywhere! Fuck the establishment, fuck greed, fuck corruption, fuck HATRED!


skobuffaloes t1_jdw9xxi wrote

The US would strike but we have no clue how to organize and fear our managers.


Dafuqucair t1_jdtumly wrote

It’s Revolting.


Extansion01 t1_jdwo119 wrote

No, they only ask for a wage increase. Nothing to do with revolting or shit.

People like to pretend otherwise, but this is a system at work, like it or not. Not actually against the system itself.


Rivster79 t1_jdutj10 wrote

But the thing is they’re not gonna say "no", they would never say "no" because of the implication.


SkorpD94 t1_jdusmk6 wrote

Before the covid pandemic hit the world and lockdowns were put to halt it, there were massive protests all over the world, most notably in Chile, Hong Kong, Algeria, Soudan, Liban and, to a lesser extent, France (tho some can argue that France is in a permanent state of protest). It's great to see that people started to protest back after covid became less of a problem, we have to finish what we started


[deleted] t1_jdvepqm wrote

Expecally in Hong Kong, I remember how huge those Protests were back in 2019.


banksharoo t1_jdugtan wrote

It's almost as if people are pissed off. Albeit it's for a different reason in Israel.


HarryT_CVN75_A4W1 t1_jdxoyp6 wrote

I would think that would be good for the US economy with half our competitors treading water.