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i_cum_while_pooping t1_ja2wssu wrote

I imagine this has been a wake-up for many Taiwanese. Years ago I read an article saying most Taiwanese believed they stand no chance against China, and that was considered Taiwan's greatest weakness. Not their military, but their perceived chances. While US-based analysts actually thought that Taiwan COULD win against China because of the geography, potentially superior military tech, and China's lack of military experience, many Taiwanese assumed Taiwan would fall fast. Ukraine probably faced worse odds with a less defensive geography, much worse hardware and was supposedly facing the world's second best military, but Ukraine has done very well. Much of it due to the fighting spirit of the Ukrainian people.

Now I imagine many Taiwanese see that actually invading a country is not so easy, and the motivation of the defenders is vital. So if China did attack, Taiwan does stand a real chance. They are not alone, and they can hold them off if they choose to fight fearlessly. Ukraine stronk! Taiwan number one!

edit: and Ukraine's win is vital for Taiwan's future. When Russia loses, that will show China that DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME.