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ChrisTheHurricane t1_ja0sbhp wrote

For those who haven't read the article, this is a protest against Russia.


AnthillOmbudsman t1_ja0yzxw wrote

Meanwhile in Berlin, thousands of morons lubing theirselves up and bending over for Putin.


black641 t1_ja1253x wrote

Every nation has its home-grown morons, luckily the Berlin protests seem like they’re being excoriated by the press and general populace.


DetectiveFinch t1_ja1ccul wrote

Just to add to this, several high ranking politicians, like vice chancellor Habeck have spoken out and called these protests misleading.

And the number of protestants was 13k, which is not really much for a protest in the capital Berlin.


Vashyo t1_ja1j8e8 wrote

Finlands home grown moron is the guy running the "Power Belongs to the People" Party

Everybody else is against russian aggression.


black641 t1_ja1pv7d wrote

There’s a delightful irony of someone in charge of the “Power Belongs to the People Party” simping for one of the most authoritarian regimes on the planet. Ironic, and infuriating.


Vashyo t1_ja1s69i wrote

The guy who started it is a real troubled invidual, was kicked out from the "Basic Finns" Party cause he was openly racist and spreads all the standard conspiracy theories he likely picked up from the americans.

In short, the perfect target for russians to manipulate.


Silverso t1_ja2au58 wrote

There was a pro-Russian protest last year, it was quite small. One woman said that Ukrainian newspapers are all spreading propaganda. She was asked does she think the Russian newspapers aren't doing so. She said they wouldn't risk it. I still don't understand that answer


ComfortableMenu8468 t1_ja0x6w1 wrote

About as useful as citizen of Congo protesting against some western pllicy


lordofedging81 t1_ja1zqck wrote

A big part of these protests are to get the country where they are protesting to provide more military aid to Ukraine.

A politician may see a small protest and ignore it, but if they see 1000s of people protesting it gets their attention more and helps them realize military aid to Ukraine is popular.