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Scapenator1 t1_j9nrhzs wrote

I truly hope he loses and we got rid of him. Are there any proper candidates available? Or are they forbidden like in any dictatorship.


reddebian t1_j9nwyhl wrote

All of his opposing parties (6 in total) have formed a coalition to win against him.


jogarz t1_j9o31lc wrote

Not all of the opposing parties, the main Kurdish party (the HDP) is sitting on the outside of the alliance, though it is probably quietly supporting it.

Turkish voters are very nationalist, and any independent Kurdish representation gets inevitably accused of links with the PKK, so letting the HDP formally into the alliance would be electoral suicide.


v3ritas1989 t1_j9o9s99 wrote

Didn't he start up the civil war against the kurds again last time they tried this were he was expected to lose?


cagriuluc t1_j9nxc60 wrote

The other candidates are meh at best but it’s a common saying among youth that they would vote for “a slipper” if it was running against Erdogan.


Truth_is_Liberal t1_j9q7ixm wrote

I would definitely vote for an inanimate object over a dictator. The inanimate object would just not get anything done, which is clearly better. Any and all actions taken by an authoritarian like Erdogan are self-serving, so they rarely do any good for their people.


jogarz t1_j9o2vob wrote

There’s an alliance of six parties that are planning to put out a joint candidate to oppose Erdogan, but it’s not clear who they’ll pick yet.

Of the potential candidates, Istanbul mayor Ekrem Imamoglu and Ankara mayor Mansur Yavas are probably the strongest candidates. CHP party leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu is another strong possibility.


scorr204 t1_j9p29y6 wrote

Oh you poor soul. Erdogan is a dictactor and Turkey is absolutely not a democracy. Its amazing how people do not see the writting on the wall.


InfernoJesus t1_j9p6ubm wrote

He is a terrible power-hungry leader but he has only kept his power through majority vote so far. This is about to change.


scorr204 t1_j9p70m5 wrote

Here is hoping. Ever since the staged coup I have considered Erdogan an autocrat like Putin.


InfernoJesus t1_j9p7dza wrote

He is as much of a criminal as Putin but his grip on power is not comparable.

But yes fingers crossed.


medievalvelocipede t1_j9ps42h wrote

>He is as much of a criminal as Putin but his grip on power is not comparable.

The difference between a dictator and a wannabe dictator.


pauelena t1_j9o0z6q wrote

He will not lose, mainly for two reasons. Firstly, Turks love him and secondly, he has no credible opponent.


jogarz t1_j9o2lnm wrote

Polls from mid-2022 show him losing to several different candidates, and I don’t think recent events will boost his chances.

If he wins, it will probably be because he cheated in some way. Since his party controls the Electoral Committee, they could probably get away with a lot of fuckery short of outright fraud.


pauelena t1_j9o8pmk wrote

Mid 2022 is nearly a year ago! The Ukrainian grain deal and the recent earthquakes cemented his image as a powerful statesman.

Putin and Erdogan should never be underestimated! No matter what they do or say, no matter how suicidal their policies might be, they are practically worshipped by the vast majority of their population. Talk to the average Turk in Germany and you'd think Erdoğan is some kind of demigod.

The opposition lacks a credible leader that could pose a realistic threat to Erdoğan's re-election.


Lurkersremorse t1_j9ofe5s wrote

Didn’t the recent earthquakes show that the Turkish earthquake grants were at best severely misappropriated?


green_flash t1_j9q9fad wrote

The Turkish language variant of the page shows more recent polls.

The most recent one is from Jan 27 to Feb 2nd and it shows Kılıçdaroğlu winning against Erdoğan with 46.3% to 40.1% in the first round, 48.2% to 40.3% in a potential run-off, with 11.5% undecided.

That was still before the earthquake though. It will remain to be seen what effect the earthquake and Erdoğan's response to it has.