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PEVEI t1_ja9w3mo wrote

Turkey has regulations, there's just so much corruption they're poorly if ever enforced. Regulations only work when there's a rule of law and oversight for corruption at all levels of society.

Turkey doesn't have that in practice.

tl;dr Regulations are an absolute necessity, but not enough without enforcement and oversight.


Archaris t1_jaajant wrote

> Regulations only work when there's a rule of law and oversight for corruption at all levels of society.

Corruption appears when 'trickle down economics' is in effect. That means wealth is truly concentrated* in the very top 0.1% and the only payout you deserve other than barely able to afford food and shelter (let alone education or health) is what you can manage to pilfer from those with more wealth than you do or are willing to take* from those under you.

*these things are "ethically corrupt" even if laws say it is legal. this is 'left' thinking compared to 'right' thinking to me - and simply follows the "Golden Rule"
