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CHTanwar OP t1_ja2s9zd wrote

first of all that first line is funny, credit where credit is due.

now india is already in the process of doing that, but what reddit experts like you don't understand is that changing arms and supply chains takes time. by the time india will have done it fully to not rely on russia this war will have been long over.


CHTanwar OP t1_ja3d23h wrote

it is starting with one by one sector. and this deal is being talked about since before the special military operation of russia began and russia was just another european country.


Xert t1_ja3fknq wrote

And Russia's actions over the past year have done nothing to stop such talks.

I'll buy the "trying to shift away" line when I see concrete evidence. Right now it's all talk, as though India is hoping Western relations with Russia will magically go back to the 2000s and they can just continue on without having done anything tangible to move away from Russian alignment.


Kewenfu t1_ja2sy9o wrote

You are imagining things that I did not write, my fine reddit expert. I specifically ask about the timeline. You are writing that it is connected to Russia's war with Ukraine. There may be additional Russian imperialist wars, such as in Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Georgia. It may take 15 to 25 years.
