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stilusmobilus t1_jabmczj wrote

Yeah, the Republican Party.

You don’t have to look hard to find the traitors in the United States. Most traitors are within conservative ranks or exploit conservatism somehow. Usually because conservatives can be bought easily.


ultravioletgaia t1_jac98wz wrote

Some of them are also Democrats. Remember, their job is further the divide.


progbuck t1_jacar0h wrote



Bitey_the_Squirrel t1_jacbpa4 wrote

Tulsi used to be a Democrat. Other than that I’ve got nothing.


Djaja t1_jadm6x3 wrote

There's that Democrat on a NYC council that got a street named after a Hitler praising, anti-jew, Nation of Islam dude.

Kristin Richardson Jordan

She is considered Far Left. The republican comment on that decision was fair and not crazy, it was her that seems crazy. That's about the only dem I can think of that is batshit, and they aren't even in state politics.

I'm sure there are more tho!


Hahahahalala t1_jacptdw wrote

Look at you being all open minded and honest. Reddit swallows the “divide” philosophy hook line and sinker. All Republicans bad and all Democrats good.


Big-Temporary-6243 t1_jacukm0 wrote

No, but who in the Democrat ranks favors Russia in the same way conservatives do? Just lay them out because I assure you that democrats don't coddle or tolerate much that embarrasses them when it comes to corruption or even looks like it.