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AndyB1976 t1_ja6tfgv wrote

This seems fishy. A few hours ago they said there was at least 12 who had also caught it.


Dt2_0 t1_ja6ydyo wrote

That was a bad translation. They were testing 12 contacts for cases of transmission, not that they had 12 cases.


Jnoles07 t1_ja804kv wrote

Multiple other articles that have confirmed her father has it, as well. Those weren't bad translations.


lotus_in_the_rain t1_ja6uq2c wrote

I believe those were the number of contacts who were being tested. I believe all 12 (or 11/12 if her father was in that cohort) were negative. Reported towards the end of the week?


hamonabone OP t1_ja6uig7 wrote

Pasteur Institute is the only specialized medical testing facility in the country. The previous reports were preliminary insights dismissed upon actual investigation.