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Immediate-Attempt-32 t1_jaa40tq wrote

The problem is that the Wind farm is fully developed, the problem for the government is that they have to clean up the mess the last government made (kinda funny nobody mention that detail ) they also have to take inconsideration the economic conditions for both the owner's of the wind park(they stand to lose about 300 million €) and the reindeer herds ( there really isn't an option for the government to let the Samí loose this one). My take on this one is to put the brakes (stopping them) on the wind farm during winter pasture and see what happens as the reindeers apparently don't like the sound of the windmills (after all we do shut down our hydrodynamic power plants when the rivers run low and to allow more water in the rivers so the ecosystem aren't hindered.


chillguin t1_jac4vzj wrote

>they have to clean up the mess the last government made (kinda funny nobody mention that detail

The concession to build the park was given in 2010 by NVE. This was during the Stoltenberg goverment(Workersparty/Arbeiderpartiet). So blaming the whole "mess" on "the last goverment" is incorrect. Under the Solberg goverments(Right/Høyre); Building started in 2015 and the park was fully operational in 2020.

The courts came to the verdict 11th of october 2021. The Støre goverment(Workersparty/Arbeiderpartiet) went into power 14th of october 2021. Doubt the Solberg had time to fix anything in the 3 days before transition of power.

So the current goverment is stuck cleaning up the mess made by their own political party in 2010. Not "The last goverment".

"Norgesvassdrags-og energidirektorat(NVE)ga i firevedtak av 7.juni 2010 konsesjon tilfølgendevindkraftanlegg på Fosen". Translated - Norwegian water and energy directorate gave the concession in june 7th 2010.



beaverbait t1_jaaap17 wrote

Easy solution!

Have the energy corporation pay 150-200M euros to the reindeer folk to buy a nice plot of territory for them and buy some luxury barns as well. The wind farm comes out with half the cost of a worst case and the reindeer are filthy rich. Win-win.


Redneckmoans t1_jaah29z wrote

The reindeer are free roaming. There are no barns. The closest you get is some fenced areas they will herd the reindeer in during slaughter season.

Edit: They can use those million Euros to get rid of their wind turbine junk


beaverbait t1_jaam2wk wrote

Ah, I was kidding. This should have been corrected before millions in turbines were placed.


MrInfected2 t1_jab7j2z wrote

>free roaming reindeers should have been corected to barn deers. no more payout for loss from goverment, cause its crazy, ourund here they feed the deers on the traintraks! insane but true


MrInfected2 t1_jab72t1 wrote

time to make some regulations. Reindeer should be kept inside barns to get goverment subs.


KpcAu t1_jad1uz1 wrote

I know you're joking but "indigenous people should pay for land they've always been on, and give up their lifestyle for the sake of non-indigenous people's convenience" has resulted in too much real-life genocide behind it to be funny

Edit: Read it wrong, haven't had my coffee yet, crossed out the incorrect part


beaverbait t1_jad5dit wrote

That's not at all what I even joked about. I said the shitty company should pay them 150-200m if they are going to go against court rulings and build there anyway. Which would give them the option of moving and buying expensive properties which may be better than this will be, since they'll likely be forced out.

Again, I was joking but the joke wasn't that they should move and pay for their land but that they should be paid for it if it's being taken and not given back.

It's a ridiculous situation to have in 2023, but sadly not surprising.