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Scorpion1024 t1_j9tiytd wrote

So when does Russia withdraw? That’s kind of necessary for a settlement.


thinkaboutitthough t1_j9tqire wrote

"Brazil's Lula intensifies push to get attention and portray himself as a world leader to hopefully shore up his own situation, ignoring the fact that literally nobody is asking for him to be involved in any way"


mhdlm t1_j9tx5en wrote

Brazil has hundreds of different really important problems and this guy spends his days trying to help russia what an idiot.


Working_Ad_4650 t1_j9u1bob wrote

What infkuence does thus oerson have? Not to sound negative, but he needs to start fixing Brazil. Such a beautiful country, such a hot mess.


StarryEyedBeardog t1_j9u5iuu wrote

The next few months of this war will be the most decisive yet, as russian conscripts now make their military force in the region larger than Ukraine's. This peace deal lies on if Ukraine or Russia trust they will be able to fully win such a war. If neither believe in an achievable victory, they'll come to the table.

Brazil wants to gain international goodwill by positioning itself as the mediator of such a peace if it occurs. As a foubding member of BRICS, and the most pro US/Europe member of BRICS currently, Itamaraty is trying to position itself in such a way to booster future foreign policy objectives of Brazil, like renegotiating it's OECD entry application, Mercosur-EU free trade treaty, objectives in Africa and Latin America, and UNSC permanent seat objetctives.

Ukraine itself has backed Brazil's proposal at the UN, with Lula having 2 conversations with Zelensky in the past week, so this isn't a long shot. Though I should add that the situation might change quickly depending on who and what is brought to the table and which demands are made.


Osouturff t1_j9ue64m wrote

I mean, a good chunck of the resolution was directly proposed by Brazil specifically, notacibly the call for an immediate ceasefire, it would have been kind of weird if we had voted against something that we proposed ourselves.

Only BRICS nation to not abstein in the vote too, which is something that i'm sure will be ignored by a lot of people on the sub who have zero knowledge or understanding of Brazil's diplomatic traditions and positioning in global conflicts and like to immediatly associate it's more neutral or moderate positions as being "pro-Russia".


Osouturff t1_j9uei6o wrote

>ignoring the fact that literally nobody is asking for him to be involved in any way

Scholz literally asked him personally to sell tank ammunition to Germany to be sent to Ukraine, i fail to see how that is not asking someone to get involved.


Osouturff t1_j9uf9lr wrote

>with Lula having 2 conversations with Zelensky in the past week

I believe the conversations have not heppened yet. The original report from the Itamaraty said that the call between Lula and Zelensky had been scheldueld for after Carnaval and more recently Vieira said that it is expected to happen next week.

Vieria also mentioned that Lula will probably also hold a call with Putin a few days later as to follow the standard practice of the Itamaraty in cases of conflicts.

There's also been some reports that Zelensky will likely invite Lula to visit Ukraine during their direct call. Knowing Lula i think he is likely to accept.


thinkaboutitthough t1_j9ujouh wrote

You fail to see the difference between the entire free world being asked to supply aid to Ukraine, and literally nobody being asked to tell Ukraine how to handle their own situation? If you can't tell those two things apart I don't know what to tell you. Wanting amunition doesn't make Brazil special and it certainly isn't a suggestion that Lula of all people has some magical ability to "solve" the war in Ukraine. Nobody is asking for his opinion and yet he's trying to get attention for it anyways.

Honestly were people in this sub born yesterday? You don't recognize good old fashioned grandstanding when you see it?


Sc0nnie t1_j9utve6 wrote

The only path to peace is for Russia to withdraw to internationally recognized 1991 borders.

If other nations think they can diplomatically talk Putin into withdrawing, great. But if these people think they can command Ukraine to surrender, they need to sit down and shut up.


Sc0nnie t1_j9uvi4v wrote

Lula and Brazil have approximately zero influence on Putin. Even the Kremlin has approximately zero influence on Putin.

Basically Russia needs to lose badly and repeatedly until Putin either wakes up or dies. Hopefully one of these events can transpire sooner than later.

Basically every single call for “diplomacy” is a bad faith proposal for Ukraine to surrender.


pk10534 t1_j9v183g wrote

Lula is so confounding to me because I think his domestic policies are good and sound, but he has some of the shittiest foreign affairs takes I’ve ever heard.

“It takes two to go to war” gee Sun Tzu thanks for that illuminating take, it’s not like war by definition would be between two or more factions. If the US invaded Brazil would he be saying that as well? That Brazil is at fault for fighting back?

It reminds me of when the new Colombian President shit on the US in a speech to his base then met with the CIA director the next day and asked for money. Lula just wants to be anti-west for the sake of being anti-western and because it’s a pathetic attempt to get a dig at the west (at the expense of Ukrainian people); he has no other coherent rationale for how exactly it’s Ukraine’s fault that they got invaded because Russia doesn’t accept their sovereignty or ability to make autonomous decisions regarding their future. It’s the classic global south mentality of “I want pity for my history of colonization, and you should be standing up for me, but if another country gets colonized by an imperialist power, you’re insane for suggesting I condemn it when I can profit off of it (in this case by buying cheap fertilizer) instead”.


HubrisSnifferBot t1_j9vh9e7 wrote

Nothing Lula or Zelenskyy say will matter so long as Putin is happy throwing a 1-2,000 Russians to their death every single day. Their losses crossed over 100,000 on Dec 22. They have lost nearly 50,000 more men since that time as they desperately try to take tiny villages in the middle of nowhere. Regardless of good intentions, this war will continue until Russia can no longer field a military. At this rate they are experiencing a Vietnam’s worth of casualties every 5 months or so and picking up speed. How long until it breaks?


Sc0nnie t1_j9w6tk7 wrote

Show us a version of “diplomacy” that is not telling Ukraine to surrender their land.

“Call for diplomacy” = bossy outsiders telling Ukraine to surrender.

Lula or Xi have no moral authority to tell Ukraine they must surrender. This is Ukraine’s decision to make. They don’t need outsiders telling them to negotiate (surrender). If Lula or Xi want to “call for diplomacy” they should tell Putin to withdraw to 1991 borders instead of telling Ukraine to surrender.


Mr_Arapuga t1_j9w7t5o wrote

He is the president of the 5th largest country on Earth, elected by a country with more than 200 million citizens to be the head of state and also to conduct Brazilian foreign police. If anyone here wasnt asked to give their opinion, it was you

Keep thinking about though, maybe one day u can learn a thing or two


AffectionatePeak9085 t1_j9wd2w0 wrote

Everyone’s trying to play peacemaker but don’t have the balls to tell Putin that it’s wrong to invade another country and kill unarmed civilians.


xenoghost1 t1_j9wogl8 wrote

well it does matter because not everyone is Putin stooge. If Lula and Zelenskiy do the song and dance of peace Putin would be cemented as unreasonable party who will call even his allies the west unless they hand him everything he wants. China's plan was a nothing burger, but Zelenskiy who initially was frustrated with it has moved into "we'll talk about". the goal is to isolate Russia rhetorically and eventually Economic. about moving the needle even in India where there is a cynical self interest about "if we play nice with Russia we'll get their stuff when they croak"

Also Vietnam happen in a free society, where the loses could be seen but the benefits of victory weren't. in Russia it is the opposite, a society of brutal repression and where the nationalists have clear goals and "benefits"- i.e. seeing those regions in the Russian landmass.


sonofgoku7 t1_j9wrwyj wrote

being a politician must be easy. talk a lot but say nothing.


Snopes1 t1_j9wz28o wrote

Thank you Brazil for playing a constructive role in building world peace.

We'll take whatever help we can get in Ukraine. Especially from a BRIC nation.


vibeology1 t1_j9x4loy wrote

I think brazils uniquely situated to leverage themselves diplomatically to end this war with ukraine calling the shots. lulas anti nato, this gives his calls for peace weight. i don't think hes stupid. He knows what Russia has done, invaded a neighbor for territorial aspirations.


BasicallyAQueer t1_j9xn0x5 wrote

It sure is interesting, Putin promises something “the world won’t soon forget” for the 1 year anniversary of the war. Yesterday marked 1 year, and nothing. Instead, we get the leaders of all these shitty Russia Simp countries begging for “peace”.

Makes you wonder how badly Russia is suffering if they have to send their friends to call for an end to it.