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mderita t1_j5qqj5x wrote

On K NW in Mt. Vernon Triangle all of the street parking was converted to 15 minute pick up/drop off for these kinds of services. Yet 1) people park there and ignore the time limit because there is a lack of enforcement and 2) even when there is space available, the drivers will park illegally because they are too lazy to park on the opposite side of the street or a little further up the block. In fact, they block the alley that provides one way access to parking garages for residents of three buildings and, even when told not to park, do it anyway causing arguments and fights with other drivers just trying to access the alley.


acdha t1_j5r17tk wrote

This is why I think we need a citizen bounty system: if they knew anyone on the street could get $50 for a discrete photo and the company would fine them, it’d change the calculation from “I’ll just be a minute, it’s No Enforcement Everyday”.


mderita t1_j5r1jq5 wrote

Pshh, I’d do it for free. The amount of time I’ve spent waiting in my car for someone to move/traffic from double parking is motivation enough.