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descartes127 t1_j6iqo6d wrote

  1. NY is better but DC isn’t awful. More opportunity to advance in NY
  2. it’s more or less the same imo. Rent is worse in Ny, but food/services are cheaper than DC.
  3. straight so I cannot say, but the 6 or 7 gay bars I’ve been to have been fun and each had a very different vibe from the others.
  4. NYC, but DC has a lot too.
  5. kind of. I feel like everyone in DC is on the grind. Friendship def took a backseat to my career here. Easier in NYC.

trev1997 t1_j6itou3 wrote

Eh Rent in NYC, especially Manhattan, is so much higher than DC that even some higher food costs still outweigh.

You can get a 1BR for ~$2,200 in the center of DC. You can't find anything for less than $3,000 in NYC.


descartes127 t1_j6iz0xl wrote

Lmao I pay 3500 here, could be warping my view I guess. Granted I’m in Capitol Hill and have a pretty big house, it could be a 2Br if I wanted it to be.

When I moved here this past summer everything at 2200 was one of those big corporate-type apartment buildings. Drawing a parallel between that and the priciest borough isn’t a good example imo
