Submitted by teamuse t3_10ppais in washingtondc

On Monday I bought carry out lunch at a local chicken restaurant and paid with a credit card that I handed to an employee. I do not recall receiving the card back, and was distracted by the friendly conversation I was having. I went straight home by car. Three hours later I got an alert from my bank of potential fraudulent purchases. I checked my wallet and the card was not there. Several purchases had been made or attempted in the meantime. I don't have any evidence it was stolen, so I can't really report it to the police. But should I report my suspicion to a manager at the restaurant, in case they are seeing a pattern? Or just let it lie?

Edit: thanks for the helpful input. I'm not going to call.



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IAmNotTooMuch t1_j6ls372 wrote

The only question I’d ask the restaurant is if they have your card there in the lost and found as it’s the last place you used if/saw it.

If you haven’t already when they informed you of fraudulent charges, report it to your credit card company lost/stolen, dispute the charges you didn’t make, and get that card cancelled/a new one reissued. Your credit card company is your best bet here.

The police definitely won’t do anything for a lost/stolen credit card. They won’t do anything for break-ins, robberies, shootings, murder…so yeah.


teamuse OP t1_j6lt4lr wrote

Thanks -- if I call, I'll just ask if they have it and not go any further. I've already disputed the charges and canceled the card. The CC company were the ones who asked me if I'd made a police report -- but I don't feel right doing that when I have no proof and there could be another explanation.


tbuds t1_j6mm708 wrote

You just file a police report and state the facts that you lost your card and there were fraudulent charges, you don't have to dime out the company if you don't want to.

The CC company wants to know if you're serious about the charges being fraudulent and a police report will help show you're not lying about the charges to get free stuff.


IAmNotTooMuch t1_j6mujt7 wrote

I imagine it varies but I’ve never had a major credit card company require me to file a police report and have always had them immediately reimburse me the amount. If they care enough to track down the issue (a high enough threshold), they usually investigate it themselves and get the money from the vendor or elsewhere.


Professional-Can1385 t1_j6lpvug wrote

What are you going to report to the manager? That you don't remember getting your card? You probably left it on the table and some random picked it up.

Don't get the employee in trouble for something you don't know wasn't your fault.


teamuse OP t1_j6lq2uz wrote

I wasn't at a table. I never sat down, or put anything on a counter. And I wouldn't be getting anyone in trouble because I don't know who the two employees who were helping me were.


IAmNotTooMuch t1_j6lsczj wrote

Even if you don’t intend to get them in trouble, the manager could easily figure out who was working if you called in and gave them info on your transaction.


teamuse OP t1_j6ltajz wrote

True, thanks. I'm not going to call.


tunamelts2 t1_j6lrx06 wrote

I’m not quite following. You handed someone a card…but weren’t handed a card reader or a receipt to sign for the meal/drink? How? There needs to be proof of purchase given or displayed to you in some way.


teamuse OP t1_j6lsudz wrote

Yes, I was handed a card reader to do the tip and was texted the receipt. At that point I would normally have been given the card and put it in my wallet. Hindsight has me seeing the interaction with some suspicion (the friendly distracting conversation was with another employee), but I think the other poster's suggestion just to call and see if they have it there would be the way to go (if anything).


tbuds t1_j6mmbjl wrote

> I was handed a card reader to do the tip and was texted the receipt. At that point I would normally have been given the card

You usually pull your card out yourself when handed the card reader in that scenario.