Submitted by LumosDC t3_10lv0qm in washingtondc


This is a bit of a long-winded post, but hopefully trying to see if any news reporter who visits this sub is interested in getting further details and/or getting documents backing up my post for a news story via PM. I'm willing to go on camera as long as my face is not shown.

(I've already reached to my Council Member and Office Of Tenant Advocate.)

I'm part of the Housing Choice Voucher Program, commonly referred to as Section 8. My lease was up with my apartment building (AB) at the beginning of November 2022, but have been unable to sign a lease as the DC Housing Authority (DCHA) has not cleared the building for safe habitation. This has caused my AB to say I owe over $10,000 so far in back rent and has said they have not been paid by the DCHA starting in January 2023.

The DCHA called me in October 2022 to know if I was scheduled for a virtual inspection that day, which was the first I was hearing about it as I had not received any mail, phone calls, texts, or emails prior to that day about the inspection. Part of the process required was watching a lead assessment video produced by the HUD department beforehand and the certificate that is generated at the end of the video is supposed to be emailed to the inspector. They said they would get back to me about rescheduling the inspection as I had not been duly notified. It took me calling several times to finally get an inspection date, which occurred on December 7th. The inspector said that I had passed my part of my inspection and I then emailed the inspector the HUD lead video certificate within minutes after the inspection was finished. DCHA was supposed to get in contact with my AB to do their part of the inspection, but haven't as of today.

In the email that was sent to me with the new inspection date, the email subject line listed my address being 55 M STREET *SE* instead of 55 M STREET *NE*. The PDF included in that same email listed the correct quadrant. It still leaves me wondering if they are somehow sending some info to the wrong quadrant and it doesn't make its way back to me in the postal system as there is no apartment building at 55 M STREET SE. Either that or maybe prior addresses that I've had in DC (all with DCHA).

Due to my lease expiring on November 1st 2022 and my apartment not being fully inspected by that date - let alone fully inspected as of January 25th, 2023 - my leasing rate changed to the monthly rate of almost $3,400 instead of the rate if I had signed a year-long lease of around $2,300. Housing is supposed to pay $1,946 of the monthly amount. My building says they have not been paid by housing starting this month (January) and they posted a notice on my door over this past weekend that was dated December 26th, 2022 with a "Notice Of Past Due Rent". I have not received any information from DCHA regarding the inspection (the initial or or the one that took place on December 7th, 2022) nor any other information from DCHA since shortly after initially moving into my AB in November 2021.

Now I'm concerned that I will be evicted because the DCHA is not doing their job in any respect towards this issue. It's basically been impossible to get in touch with DCHA. I've tried getting in touch with my case worker via voicemail, but haven't heard back. I tried calling the DCHA call center to see if they get in touch with her and to make an appointment (as DCHA is open by appointment only) to help resolve this issue, but the call center just left a message with her and wouldn't make an appointment for me. DCHA has just about completely left me in the dark and I don't know what I don't know.

To the best of my recollection, aside from a postcard that was sent to all DCHA customers notifying them of the new service centers, I've not received any mail from DCHA since shortly after my initial move-in back in November 2021. No annual recertification packet has arrived for me to fill out nor follow-up phone calls wondering why it was not filled out, if it was indeed mailed to me. No mailings sent to me about possible termination due to me not doing something or actual termination. I subscribe to the USPS 'Informed Daily Digest' in large part to see if I'm supposed to be getting any government forms to fill out, from DCHA or elsewhere (I'm legally disabled and receive SSDI).

As of earlier this week, my AB took off most of the outstanding balance. However, they still say I owe almost $800 which is not the case. I pay a fixed amount ($314) + $50 pet rent + water/sewer fee that changes monthly, but is usually around $65-$80/month. For me, that means a bill of around $429 - $444. I showed my AB that I paid the correct amount each month, which was in line with the amounts I paid prior to my lease expiring and was not much of an issue. Though, there was times that they had charged me late fees before my lease expired due to them not applying Housing's portion before late fees start getting charged and they would take off that late fee.

I've never been late on a bill and keep a spreadsheet on my computer, so I know to the penny how much I owe every month and what bills I paid.

Edit: spelling



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dcmcg t1_j5z5sd8 wrote

Have you also tried reaching out to Robert White, who's the new chair of the Committee on Housing? DCHA has gotten terrible press recently, and the previous committee chair sat around doing zero oversight for years, so he might be anxious to act.


LumosDC OP t1_j5zb444 wrote

Still waiting for a call back from my Council member's (Charles Allen) office to see what info they have for me. Once I get a response from them, I'll be contacting Robert White's office as well. Don't want to get too many wires crossed. I'll be checking the DC Council's website regularly to see when a Public Roundtable will be held, so I can submit testimony.

Honestly, I'm surprised that HUD hasn't taken over DCHA or at least placed it receivership already. It was a pain to even move into my current place due to DCHA moving at a snail's pace with inspecting the unit. I had to call my council member's office then as well to grease the wheels because DCHA only allows move-ins on the 1st of the month and it was already T-minus 18 days or so before I was supposed to move in and still hadn't gotten an inspection date or timeframe. The fact that the building I was moving into was literally a 2-minute walk from DCHA's HQ at the time made it that much more irritating.


Formergr t1_j604cip wrote

> Once I get a response from them, I'll be contacting Robert White's office as well. Don't want to get too many wires crossed.

Honestly, I wouldn’t wait. I get wanting to avoid crossed wires, but I don’t think it can get worse, and since Allen might reach out to White anyway, his office hearing from both of you could be a good thing.

ETA: I’m sorry you’re going through all this. You sound incredibly well organized and well informed, so it’s clear this is all on the city to fix.


LumosDC OP t1_j60a1gu wrote

Thanks for the kind words. I do try to be well organized and informed, as I have to be my own advocate.

Man, the avalanche of words that came out of my mouth when I opened the door to that "Notice Of Past Due Rent" with the very first page saying different ways to apply for assistance. "Oh, you mean the assistance I already freaking have, but isn't being applied due to DCHA failing to do even the most basic functions of their jobs?"


tealccart t1_j62brim wrote

Definitely reach out to Robert White’s office. And if you’re getting a slow response or getting entangled in the bureaucracy, publicly tweet at them (White and Allen).


LumosDC OP t1_j62ndkc wrote

Thank you!

I was looking at the 'Calendar' tab and it wasn't listed there, so figured I'd bookmark the 'Calendar' page to check it every few days.

I've bookmarked the 'Schedules' page and will be working on typing up my testimony in the meantime. Largely will be copy/pasted from my post, but will probably need to update it for anything that I hear from Housing and Councilmembers office. Got to also make sure the testimony doesn't go over the 4-minute limit.

edit: words


LumosDC OP t1_j62qcdw wrote

Some updates:

Also received an email from the ombudsman that was sent to someone at the DCHA (not sure what position that person holds) and both I and my case work worker was CC'ed on. The email from the ombudsman said, "I received an inquiry from EOM [Executive Office of the Mayor] on behalf of program participant, who has various housing concerns listed below. I provided a measure of clarity about the lease, inspection and recertification to the EOM representative, but thought it’d best for you or the assigned housing specialist to address their concerns in detail."

I hadn't contacted the EOM, so I'm assuming my council member's office had. Not heard from EOM directly or DCHA about what that "measure of clarity" entailed. Hears hoping I will be hearing back from someone today (Friday).

I called Robert White's office as well. The person I spoke to said that based on how many people have been calling their office asking for help with various housing agencies, it'll be about a week turn around when it comes to get a response. The gist I got from the person was it seems most of the issues lay with DCHA vs other housing agencies.


palebluedot1984 t1_j64gzz6 wrote

You're welcome! Keep in mind, the written testimony that you submit can be longer than what you read during your oral testimony. Sometimes it's helpful to submit a much fuller written statement, then just hit the highlights during your oral testimony.