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metrazol t1_j6mosh6 wrote

I had COVID 4 months ago. I got my booster in December. I'm supposed to be immune! Alas... This sucks, again, but not as bad as last time, so I've got that going for me.


DCGreatDane t1_j6mr39n wrote

Starting to feel frustrated with job recruiters and tidal wave of rejections. One even asked to take a personality and aptitude test, which I never heard a firm did. At least I’m keeping my anxiety in check or would be in a total meltdown.


DinosaurKevin t1_j6ms7hz wrote

Personality tests certainly aren’t common, but I had to do one once that was administered over the phone by Gallup. Was annoying because it was a bunch of “agree, neutral, disagree” questions that could have been done online, but nope, I had to do it over the phone on a Saturday morning at 8:30 and it took over an hour. I feel your pain though. I don’t even know why they did it. It was a white collar office job, not like I was trying to become a spy for the CIA.


Pleaseworkdamnit t1_j6mu17p wrote

Witnessed a new DC-specific traffic encounter over the weekend. A cop car put on its lights and sirens to pull over a Volkswagen, and instead of pulling over, the car sped into the other lane and left! The cop car then turned off its lights and turned away. That would never happen where I am originally from. Just wild.


keyjan t1_j6n27iy wrote

Hate hate hate those Braxton Hicks oops, Myers Briggs things. Such a waste of time and completely useless. They forced the staff to do one of these in a meeting at my office once; when we went around the table to say what personality type we were, I held up the page and said, “I’m the person who wants to strangle all the people on the opposite corner of the chart.” -nervous laughter-


keyjan t1_j6n2jdc wrote

Damn, that sucks. I'm on the exact same timeline; 🤞🤞 hope I don’t get it. (But I take the petri dish cesspool known as metro to work three days a week, so I’m not sanguine about my chances. 😬) Feel better soon!


metrazol t1_j6n4bgj wrote

Old job made me take a DISC assessment. It's a variant of Big 5. I know this because it came up as woo woo magic at an old job. They also made the mistake of telling me what they were looking for. Easiest test to manipulate ever.


keyjan t1_j6n8eno wrote

I suppose nowadays I'd ask, “Should I point out that I'm on the spectrum, and any personality test I take is going to make me look like a sociopath at best, and an ax murderer at worst?” 😊


detectedbeats t1_j6ng0yq wrote

Absolutely sick of this rain. It should be snow.


fairycoreee t1_j6nhnic wrote

I got fired from my job on Wednesday. They told me why, but it was vague and refused to elaborate other than say that the decision was final. Previous I received no warnings, no P.I.P. plans, documentation, nothing. Now work is going to be very understaffed. Stay away from Stand Together, Charles Koch Foundation, Americans for Prosperity. Toxic workplace!

I have funds to live on but have to be frugal and can't eat much. Sucks but already have had a interview and going to keep grinding!


Super_lobbyist t1_j6njmtx wrote

Ever since my building instituted a new policy to require visitors to sign in at the front desk, people have reacted wonderfully - someone broke a door in a fit of rage around New Year's, and a delivery guy threatened to shoot one of the security people at the front desk.

Also, ghosting has become depressingly common in this town. Sigh.


RollShotCornerPocket t1_j6np0o2 wrote

I'm normally not one to complain about dating here but good god it's been an atrocious month on that front.


I've been for 6+ years and dated for a decent amount of that time but this is honestly the worst string of experiences i've had for as long as I can remember. I can handle the occasional ghost or date where it's clear there isnt a match that's normal. But I have never experienced such disrespect towards my time and the process of dating itself. I know this time of the year is never really that solid but I really hoping this isn't a sign of things to come.


nomasslurpee t1_j6nr208 wrote

The lights on 3rd street freeze often in the wee hours of the morning when I am driving to work. I sit at a red light while waiting for the crosswalk counter to move but it just stays on 7. hopefully i won't get any tickets for blowing through it.


giscard78 t1_j6o4tna wrote

I think my agency routes all internet traffic through Saipan. Doing basic things in any browser is incredibly slow and just seems to get worse every week. It’s the worst while actually in the office.


RoeRoeRoeYourVote t1_j6oa5f6 wrote

People at my office are fucking insane. They start emailing at 7am and flip out if you don't respond by 10. It's always the lowest stakes things, too, and they insist that their thing must take priority over everything else. I start my work day at 10, specifically by request of my department head so that we have evening coverage.

Honestly, I think I'm just going to set up repeating out-of-office events on my calendar to be clear about my working hours and shut off notifications prior to when I start work because the anxiety of waking up to that many messages is unbearable.

If anyone has any ideas for setting up teams and/or outlook to let people know that you're not available at the ass crack of dawn, please let me know.


Gumburcules t1_j6olcbo wrote

> Stay away from Charles Koch Foundation, Americans for Prosperity.

Man, who could have possibly predicted right wing organizations dedicated to making the rich richer and eliminating all social safety nets and worker protections would be a shitty place to work?


fairycoreee t1_j6olu4w wrote

I didn't know who Charles Koch or these foundations were before I joined. I was a new graduate looking for work at the time and found Stand Together. At the time, was the only place that gave me an offer (soon found out that I was the lowest paid on the team too!). I suspected many employees there didn't subscribe to the ideology. Only in Americans for Prosperity did I see them really fully believe.


duchesspickles t1_j6oo9g6 wrote

My friend who’s a teacher at KIPP DC just told me her admin announced that they would no longer be supplying paper towels, Kleenex, or Clorox wipes. Where is all of this money going if they allegedly can’t even keep their classrooms stocked with disinfectant during a pandemic AND flu season AND RSV?