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ItsRainingTrees t1_j5ok0nm wrote

No matter your race, gender identity, sexuality, upbringings, or ethnicity, everyone has the capacity to create WMDs 😌


urbansasquatchNC t1_j5pcb9h wrote

MLK had a dream that we would be judged not for the color of our skin, but the contents of the Geneva Convention that we violate!


SexyAcanthocephala t1_j5ovr9t wrote

Not the Iraqis


Tahh t1_j5p9744 wrote

You're laughing now, but we'll find them someday and then we'll show you, we'll show you all!


mdtransplant21 t1_j5td394 wrote

I mean, Sadam did have chemical weapons...they were all just leftovers from the early 90s...