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Appropriate-Ad-4148 t1_j3lyvnb wrote

OP, have you ever been to a house party at a rural college in the Midwest? Because so many drivers can surprise you and turn into villains in my experience.

I'm no puritan, but once you move away to an area where people take the Subway or an Uber out to the bars, and you come back to the Midwest, the drunk driving will turn your stomach.

Nearly every single one of the kids will drive home drunk in a truck or SUV their parents bought for them, many of them solo. Kudos to those who actually DD.

Guess where Dad is? He's also driving home over the limit after a night at the bar or out with friends, because "Uber is too expensive" and people who aren't poor or disabled don't take the bus in Ohio.

"I'll have to Uber all the way back here tomorrow morning to pick the car up! That's like 40 bucks that I don't have!"