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Rugrats-theme-song t1_j3llabp wrote

I’m saying people hate cars because it is seen as the driver’s responsibility to keep everyone safe. So if people aren’t safe, the blame/hate falls on the cars. People hate cars because the cars are perceived as the cause of the problem.


Old_Distribution9636 t1_j3lur0a wrote

The more I read people’s opinion it seems the government is the problem. No real solutions are being given to those who need cars. No real solutions are being given to those who feel unsafe being a pedestrian. Both are fighting back because they don’t feel heard.


campbeer t1_j3m6q7s wrote

It's totally the governments fault for bending to the will of automobile capitalist for over 100 years to prioritize the infrastructure that was built, so more cars will be bought.

But now, they are making more solutions possible to establish rules and laws that we can adapt to.

If we are annoyed that they are creating a more equitable system, then you're just being a privilege asshole.


Rugrats-theme-song t1_j3lxoix wrote

It’s definitely the government’s fault. They’re the ones ACTUALLY responsible for keeping us all safe by providing the necessary infrastructure. The only real solution is being vocal and fighting for actually safe bike routes and not just painted lanes on busy streets.

The amount of money and time this will take is not easily allocated. But the alternative is the reality we live in where civilians are at each others throats. I’ve lived in the Bay Area, Sacramento, Santa Barbara, Phoenix, and now DC. I’ve lived in some of the “best places in the USA for bikers.” This usually just means that there’s more than 10 miles of bike/walk paths that are separated and far away from cars.

I don’t know how it gets done in dc. But the real solution is wider sidewalks with dedicated bike lanes on them that have a clear distinction for direction of travel.