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LilInterweb t1_j664l89 wrote

Reply to comment by Gilyon01 in Tyre Nichols protests by coldstonestan

I’m honestly wondering why five BLACK police officers attack and beat to death another black man. Normally the cops are white and racist. Something else seems to be driving this one. I fear it is either homophobia, gang, or someone knew something about the victim such as who he’s sleeping with or something. Black cops don’t just beat up black men.


mastakebob t1_j66fhk9 wrote

>Black cops don’t just beat up black men.



OctoberCaddis t1_j66vkmp wrote

Normally the cops are white and racist? I assure you, we have both cops and racists of all ethnicities in this country.


Stimpy3901 t1_j69kq6r wrote

Race is a factor in all this because for one thing Black communities are more likely to be over policed and therefor Black people have a higher chance of interacting with the police in first place. But, police as a whole are the problem, they are trained to confront issues with violence and when your only tool is a hammer all your problems start looking like nails. You can diversify police forces all day and it’s not going to change this fundamental problem. There’s a lot more than I can get into in a Reddit post, but basically we need to radically reimagine public saftey


LilInterweb t1_j6am6e9 wrote

I agree. I see police is the misc catch all for the failure of other systems. Speeding, we need speed camera, domestic abuse, we need counseling and mental health as well as better paying jobs to prevent financial stress, burglary, we need locks and alarms and insurance that is affordable.

All the things police respond to can be addressed in other ways and more effectively.

Sorry about my comment above but I had hope that diversity would at least stop THIS level of brutality from occurring. But hey, that idea seems to have triggered a lot of folks based on the number of down votes. 🤷‍♂️