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[deleted] t1_j224jfb wrote



app_priori t1_j22ca0a wrote

Some people are probably not in any condition to drive the car they parked at a Metro station after an alcohol binge over NYE.


Rec0nMaster t1_j22gtfr wrote

Create an reliable bus network around each metro station, so people can get within walking distance of their homes without a car. When people have to drive 10 minutes just to park their car and change to a train, they’re just going to drive all the way instead. Both would need to run late on NYE for either to succeed.


[deleted] t1_j23wyae wrote



ComfortableInterest8 t1_j240hra wrote

How would people get to the stations that are further out though? Not enough people live within walking distance of every metro station.


[deleted] t1_j2474op wrote



ComfortableInterest8 t1_j25mm71 wrote

Yeah, I think the issue is that city and metro planners weren’t coordinated and didn’t focus on the issues we’re facing today. So you just build stops to what you think are the appropriate places and call it a day. Especially since metros generally are built along highways which have seen more residential development. That probably means either a lot of eminent domain and big city housing projects or just pave a parking lot. I think we know what they picked lol


ColonialTransitFan95 t1_j24zqb3 wrote

No one is saying no station should have parking, but an ocean of parking near every station definitely isn’t needed.


ComfortableInterest8 t1_j25lbft wrote

“ocean of parking at every station”? It’s almost like they only put parking at stations that are clear commuter stops where people can’t walk as easily to a station. Unless I’ve been missing the Gallery Place parking ramp all these years?


ColonialTransitFan95 t1_j25nlur wrote

Pretty much all the suburban stations minus a few have an ocean of parking. If the end of the line stations what some parking for the people living in true rural areas then that is fine. What isn’t fine is designing the system as a glorified parking lot shuttle. Building things around stations reduces the need for all that parking. We definitely need more affordable housing near metro I agree. We need to stop subsidizing the suburbs and the exurbs.


ComfortableInterest8 t1_j25oze4 wrote

Yeah but if you’re talking about making all these housing developments at metro centers so that people don’t need cars then you need to build way more than just housing. You need grocers, restaurants, stores, schools all within walking distance or else it starts becoming inconvenient. And why do we need to “stop subsidizing the suburbs”? Everyone doesn’t want to live downtown, or can afford it. This city runs on people who live outside of downtown, and benefits from the metro being able to reach more people. It’s 100% not perfect but this also isn’t SIMS where you can just demo and build new cities at the snap of a finger


ColonialTransitFan95 t1_j25tmyf wrote

Well if you want to live in the suburbs then you can, but the people downtown should be paying for it (this is how it works). We should be working on missing middle housing (that way people have choice other then high rise downtown or suburban McMansion). No one is saying to just bulldoze the suburbs, it will take time and people know this. We shouldn’t be building more sprawl. You really need to look up what urbanism really is. Sounds like you are getting some bad info about it.


ellivretaw1 t1_j21epxm wrote

Can they do this every day so we have less Maryland drivers on the road?


Brawldud t1_j220z2a wrote

but… will MD drivers be driving the Lyfts?


squuidlees t1_j21u5li wrote

As someone who lives in MD, but doesn’t drive or own a car, please lol … My most recent honorable interaction with a Maryland driver was literally crossing on my turn and the car was already through the intersection ready to blast by me as soon as there was enough room. Can only imagine the disaster NYE is gonna be


Gumburcules t1_j248dxj wrote

With the surge prices on NYE that'll be enough to get you several blocks closer to home!


MarinaPinotLover t1_j26s7fj wrote

Agree but this one is valid from today till 2am on New Years - which, as someone who refuses to be out late on NYE, is actually awesome. They used to just be 8pm-2am.