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[deleted] t1_j1s5hj3 wrote

Reply to comment by m2199 in Leasing Offices are Impossible by m2199



m2199 OP t1_j1s6s5f wrote

Lol i literally live in Manhattan


FennelSuperb7633 t1_j1siyjq wrote

I think you’re getting a lot of flack about moving site-unseen. I moved here about three months ago and that was also my only choice. It worked out fine for me — we actually love our apartment. We wouldn’t have picked this neighborhood if we knew any better, but it’s not bad either. I’ve moved quite a lot internationally and often do site-unseen and haven’t had a whole lot of issues. And you’re renting, so you can move in a year.

Regarding customer service, it sucks everywhere you go and across industries now a days. Honestly, people don’t want to do their jobs and employers can’t find good people. The service in our building has been great, and that is actually one of the reasons we chose it even though the neighborhood was a little less desirable.