Submitted by smileanja t3_zzawrz in washingtondc

This is probably me being an overly-awkward person but there’s a comedian performing here in April that I would love to see, but no one I know locally would be down to go with (Sarah Millican, highly recommend just finding her on YouTube if you need a laugh!). Anyway, Ticketmaster defaulted to showing me available tickets in a quantity of 2 so now I’m in my head about only buying 1 ticket and going to this show alone. Am I just being neurotic or is it odd to go by yourself to a comedy show, where it’s such a communal experience (to me it’s different than for example going to a movie by yourself)? Thanks everyone - I moved to DC just last month and this Reddit has been invaluable to me so far!



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klubkouture t1_j2ahqp8 wrote

It's fine to go alone. Arlington is the most solo town in America with 40%+ living by themselves. If it is too weird, I'll go with you.


johnslo1 t1_j2atslk wrote

Haha I second this! If you need another +1 just DM me. Moved here two months ago as well so I understand the hesitancy.

It’s such a transient city that I feel like there are no weird single vibes in DC.


MrWolf327 t1_j2blob0 wrote

Huh as a person living by themselves in Arlington I find this very interesting


HauntingHarmonie t1_j2ajld7 wrote

It's not weird to go solo to anything as long as it makes you happy!


Bartsmellow t1_j2ao20k wrote

I’ve gone to a few comedy shows by myself. I doubt anyone else even noticed I was alone, everyone’s just there to laugh at the comedian then go home.


foreverurgirl t1_j2b3d0c wrote

Go alone and have fun. Take yourself out to a nice dinner first. Don’t look at your phone and don’t bring a book. Order dessert. Go to your show. Be happy.


2legit2lurk t1_j2apw9o wrote

On the contrary, I recommend going to see comedians (and movies for that matter) alone! I saw Jimmy Carr (a guilty pleasure) alone on a whim and was free to laugh as loud as I wanted without judgement. I was a sitting duck being front row - last ticket available - but he picked on the couples either side of me, whew! Sarah’s so kind to her audience, I doubt she’d give you a hard time even if you were front row and alone. Enjoy!


BansheeLoveTriangle t1_j2azkkc wrote

I worked at a movie theater in high school and got free movies, so got used to just going to things alone when I felt like it - it’s nice to not rely on people just to do things you enjoy, even if having company is usually better


2legit2lurk t1_j2dpo0j wrote

Some movies I come out of and can’t wait to start debriefing and deconstructing out loud, so having fellow viewers is part of the experience. But for movies that are more experiential and less about figuring out plots and motivations, nothing like the lone walk home to process internally!


squuidlees t1_j2auhw5 wrote

Nah, Ticketmaster always defaults to 2 as far as I know. I always just select 1 and go buy the ticket for whatever event I want to go to. I say this as someone who goes to metal shows alone frequently.

Hope you have fun, OP!


133555577777 t1_j2alqoi wrote

As a big Sarah Millican fan, I’m sure she would be happy to have solo audience members!


dayinnight t1_j2bdqfw wrote

The last time I went solo to a comedy show I ended up going on a date with the headliner, LOL. Life is an adventure that sometimes must be experienced solo. Go for it!


ccd214 t1_j2bktsd wrote

I recently went to a podcast taping solo. Not only that, I was literally the only black person there. Sometimes your friends don't have the same interests and that's fine. You cont let that stop you from doing things you enjoy. Go and have a great time. 👍🏾


Jeww_Chainz t1_j2ar5fi wrote

I just saw JB Smoove by myself and it was not weird. I believe most ticketing sites default to showing two tickets.


Pipes_of_Pan t1_j2b9li8 wrote

Sure, and I hope you will learn that going to stuff alone can be great. It’s fine to have interests that are unique to your peer group.


campbeer t1_j2aorm9 wrote

Nah man, I used to do it all the time.


anathemaDennis t1_j2arbpv wrote

A comedy show is a great thing to go to solo


brickz14 t1_j2b5qe4 wrote

I am also probably going to the show and thinking of going solo as well. Don't find it weird at all. Once you're there you are just gonna be listening to Sarah so I think it's really similar to going to the movies solo


LittleSpiderGirl t1_j2ban0w wrote

I mean .......... I'm a "mature" female who had to learn how to go to stuff by myself after the husband passed. I've been to ALL kinds of things by myself since he died. Even went to Europe by myself.

I wouldn't feel any more awkward sitting in a comedy club alone than I would sitting in a restaurant alone. Which is like, not awkward at all, at this point.

Go have fun.


smileanja OP t1_j2bsiey wrote

Thank you everyone!! I appreciate all the kind responses. Have a great final weekend of 2022!


Partygarbag3 t1_j2ap0rh wrote

Probably not weird, but I understand the sentiment here!

Sometimes I’ll just buy 2 tickets for stuff and try to drag a pal/coworker or even find a new pal on bumblebff if it’s something I feel like it will be weird/uncomfortable to go to alone.


ahmc84 t1_j2b3vgl wrote

Heck, I might well go to that show alone. Sarah Millican is very good.


bfernhattrick t1_j2b7jvq wrote

I go to comedy, specifically British comedy, by myself all the time since my friends aren’t interested! Not weird at all. It’s fun to take yourself on a date. I’ll also be at one of the Sarah Millican nights by myself and I’m super excited!!


AwesomeAndy t1_j2b8epc wrote

If this was at the Improv I'd kiiiiinda say you'd be better off with someone just because they tend to shove groups together so tables are full (i.e. two pairs will be put together or a 1 and 3 group), but I see it's at the Warner Theater, which is definitely not the intimate experience of a comedy club. You'll be fine, and I hope you enjoy the show!


Gileslibrarian t1_j2bs4ys wrote

You can definitely go on your own! Don’t let it stop you!


whaleseeyalater t1_j2arur5 wrote

I was thinking about buying tickets too if you want to go together! Otherwise, I think it’s totally normal to go to shows solo


twenty-six-sixty-six t1_j2am331 wrote

It can be a bit awkward if it's a venue where you share a table, but otherwise it's fine. I've gone to plenty of live comedy alone and enjoyed it.


No1Statistician t1_j2au8fs wrote

Never weird to do anything alone, even if its akward it builds self confidence and you got to see the comedy show


MidnightSlinks t1_j2b8sj6 wrote

Looks like there are quite a few single seats left for her Sunday show, so the venue would definitely appreciate you buying one of them!


Snoo-33261 t1_j2bg0qv wrote

No I went alone all the time.


it12tmtterwtmynameis t1_j2bkrzm wrote

If it makes you feel less weird, you can pretend your “friend” got sick at the last minute. But nobody is going to ask or care. It’s like an actors secret to put you in a different mindset.


layzie77 t1_j2bq4q5 wrote

No way! You never know, it might feel empowering after you had fun going by yourself.

I've gone out solo and I'm a local. You should be fine!


DCGinkgo t1_j2c6gji wrote

Have been to comedy shows by myself. Generally I get an aisle seat, but I do that for most events that I do solo (to avoid been hemmed in if somebody turns problematic, coughing, overly loud etc....)


Kitchen-Trifle-5951 t1_j2eakft wrote

Go solo. Be comfortable in your own skin! You will probably make friends there. I traveled for the first time SOLO to the UK for 2 1/2 weeks, and had the BEST time! I met new people and didn’t feel stressed at all. Enjoy!


smileanja OP t1_j2ekv2l wrote

that sounds amazing! did you use a tour or group service or plan the trip yourself?


USnext t1_j2att85 wrote

I went solo to see Dave Attell at DC improv, they seated me with other solo folks at a table was fun to chat w them before the show.


KillLaKillmonger t1_j2axihi wrote

Nope. I went to a Dave Chapelle show solo and it was an amazing time.


keyjan t1_j2b5g5b wrote

What? No. Go. Have fun.


Soft-Tangelo-6884 t1_j2ba5vc wrote

I saw Sasheer Zamata solo last year. It was great, and I’m so glad I went even though I went solo.

I wanted to see a different comedian about a decade ago and couldn’t find someone to go with me, so I didn’t go, and I really regretted it because the solo activity would have been fine over not getting to see the show.


MrWolf327 t1_j2blsfv wrote

I think there is nothing wrong with it! Don’t let other people define what you do and don’t do just live your life

That said, if you are looking for a plus one just dm!


hannahmadamhannah t1_j2bq54j wrote

Dude I absolutely fell in love with her on the last season of Taskmaster. I think she'd be so fun to hang out with. Don't miss your chance to see her!


bohogreenery t1_j2ce00r wrote

Nope!! Im seeing a comedian in march by myself!


messmaker523 t1_j2cixx3 wrote

Depending on the venue going solo is the best way to get the best tickets because there's always a great single seat much closer because most buy in multiples. I remember getting a random Lisa lampanelli ticket at the Warner theater day of, front row at the box office that way.


frankie_fudgepop t1_j2cj87c wrote

Do the things you want! Live your life! If you do find it uncomfortable you never have to do it again :)


SluggingAndBussing t1_j2cv8qr wrote

Comparison is the thief of joy. Fuck what others would do or what they think. Have fun


gutterbrain73 t1_j2auxrv wrote

Absolutely, freak. You will be judged.



AdditionalAttorney t1_j2bcxz0 wrote

What? How is it a communal experience it’s no diff than a movie. You’re not talking during or.

Going alone also let’s you get better tickets sometimes when there’s only one left.

Don’t overthink it!! Go an enjoy the show!


heels_n_skirt t1_j2bejvb wrote

No go do whatever you like. It's your business.


tvallnight t1_j2bmlmi wrote

Of course it's not weird


RaccoonZombie t1_j2ea26r wrote

I go to comedy shows all the time solo. Sometimes I end up talking to people at my table. Why miss out on a show because no one wants to go with you?


[deleted] t1_j2byogh wrote



walliewasright42o t1_j2dtw03 wrote

idk how some ppl exist. an adult really came in here and asked for our permission to go to see a comedian she likes lmao