Submitted by BeneficialSurprise t3_zxprwn in washingtondc
AdditionalAttorney t1_j21sjkp wrote
Read your lease
Also call office of tenant advocacy for language to use with your landlord and to know exactly what’s expected to be covered.
Dear landlord, per statue x, temperature is required to be …. As we discussed on date x, temp has been at x. It has now been x days with no remedy. Per statute x I am requesting you cover my lodging at hotel x at a rate of $xxx/day.
No-Lunch4249 t1_j23ilkp wrote
While I agree reading your lease is always a good first step, if you’re renting from just some guy, the lease signed was probably just the first result from a “residential lease template” google search and it may contain illegal and unenforceable items, which is why you take that second step of calling the office of tenant advocacy
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