Submitted by Devastator1981 t3_z73ebo in washingtondc

Our apartment building (a bozzuto company) says that DCwater raised rates effective Oct 1, 2022. Ok fine but should the bills be doubling and in some cases tripling? I’m in a new apartment building in a 650 sq foot and with no change in usage bills fine from like $60 to like $150. Other neighbors noticing too.




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dcguy_01 t1_iy4gulf wrote

Did you shut off all your toilets overnight and check the tank?


pompomdotcomcom t1_iy4htsb wrote

Our October bill was significantly more expensive, yes


sol_in_vic_tus t1_iy4kfju wrote

You should have itemized bills from before and after. Look at them. Where is the difference coming from on the bill?


MidnightSlinks t1_iy4mrem wrote

Do you have access to the bills themselves? Some of the per unit water and sewer fees did go up, but the net effect would be around a 5% bill increase, not something you'd notice.

If it's just this one month that's been super high and not several months in a row, my guess is that your building was being billed as estimated amount since it opened and then they took a real reading in November so months of underpayment is being tacked onto one bill.


ever-right t1_iy52yxp wrote

You absolutely have to check the actual readouts from the itemized bill. It should be available online. If you just check the toilets and for drips you can easily miss it. I had a toilet that would run only intermittently so if I didn't catch it at the exact right time I would miss it. It used a lot of extra water until I nailed it down but the usage was all spelled out there in my bill.

It'll have previous months' readouts too. And you can even compare it to the same time last year for an even better apples to apples usage.


CriticalStrawberry t1_iy5hdm0 wrote

Most large apartments like Buzzoto don't give itemized readouts. You don't pay DC Water directly. Buzzoto gets one big bill for the whole building and each resident pays a portion of it through a submetering contractor like conservice (their name is quite fitting based on my interactions with them!). How that bill is divided is up to them.

We lived in a building managed by Kettler for a while. Apparently there was some kind of mixup in estimated billing vs actual readings and the building owed DC Water a large backpay of money. That debt got evenly divided to current residents whether you lived there during the high usage period or not.


skeet-skeet-mfer t1_iy5vm8p wrote

Well Bozzuto is super corrupt and dishonest (false marketing of their properties) so that tracks


NPRjunkieDC t1_iy5znl2 wrote

This should be illegal. I've been a landlord in DC and owned condos I rented out, or family members lived in rentals . Mostly 20009 + 20007 zip codes.

The OWNER pays for the water. In the condos, we/they never got a water bill. It's part of the building expenses that are part of the condo fee, which again is paid by the OWNER, not the tenant.

If you are not being individually metered, I don't think dividing the bill is even fair /legal.

This is probably happening in recently built buildings where the developers own the property and squeeze every $$ out of their tenants.


NPRjunkieDC t1_iy5zrha wrote

You probably shouldn't be paying for water . See my comment below (long reply)


floppydisk1995 t1_iy61rhm wrote

Mine went from around $50 to $100+ for a 1 bedroom in a large building. It's not based on personal usage, rather they take the total building usage and divide it amongst residents. Not sure what is going on but it's ridiculous.


Odd-Draft-7458 t1_iy87obz wrote

I’m in VA, also a Bozzuto property, and same happened to me for October. Was told by the property after I refused to pay it until further clarification from Conservice why the dramatic change that I was previously under billed and the increased amount was to bring my account up to the true amount. Next month “should” be a true reading, but I asked for an itemized list on both expenses.