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UmbralRaptor t1_ivh3evp wrote

Having it not be dark out when I'm waking up is nice, though


CriticalStrawberry t1_ivhdnrq wrote

Meh, I'd rather it be light when I'm walking my dog or biking after work.


AinDiab t1_ivhn8ag wrote

If we kept DST it would still be dark at 5:45. That's earlier than many people get off work.

Plus between November 24 and February 14 the sun wouldn't rise until after 8am (and for a good portion of time would be near 8:30am).


CriticalStrawberry t1_ivhrs8i wrote

I couldn't care less when the sun rises. I'm in a windowless office before it does even with standard time. I'll take the extra evening sunlight.


AinDiab t1_ivhu8wv wrote

So assuming you're in the office by 7am then, you're probably off by 4pm so it should be light for your commute home plus time for a little dog walk on standard time. Not bad.


dc_dobbz t1_ivi6bwt wrote

Do you teleport in? If not, I’m assuming you’d have to be outside at some point


CriticalStrawberry t1_ivi6iqt wrote

No. Commuting in the dark just doesn't bother me. It's useless time so it may as well be dark. I'd rather have the sunlight during hours that I can be out recreating and enjoying it.


dc_dobbz t1_ivi6u2j wrote

Nights in this city are great. No issues with nocturnal recreation for me.


celj1234 t1_ivhooqq wrote

Push back another hour. Who cares about the morning


AinDiab t1_ivhtm5i wrote

Have you lived somewhere that the sunrises at 9:30-10am? I have and it's grim as hell


celj1234 t1_ivhxezu wrote

WFH I’m cool with that.


Study-Hour t1_ivhz6sl wrote

... you could just wake up earlier and start working earlier rather than making everyone else do it


celj1234 t1_ivhzqej wrote

I want it to be lighter in the evenings. Waking up earlier doesn’t help that. This time of the year is trash


Study-Hour t1_ivhzvzb wrote

so wake up earlier and get off earlier. stop fucking up the world for everyone else


celj1234 t1_ivi15vu wrote

Nah that wouldn’t work.

Lol no one here is changing anything. Why are you getting so upset homie?


Study-Hour t1_ivi1j24 wrote

Why wouldnt it work?

And because the movement make DST permanent is real and stupid. Congress nearly passed that dumb shit. We tried it in the 70s and repealed it within 3 years because it was awful. Making everyone wake up earlier is a dumb decision and throwing circadian rhythms to hell just for fun is dumb


celj1234 t1_ivi3wa8 wrote

Bc of my work schedule. There is zero reason for me to “get up earlier”. So for me it would personally be great. Idk why I should care that it wouldn’t be for you. Idk you.

Gimme light in the evenings after my work day. 🙌🏾


Study-Hour t1_ivi483n wrote

what you have meetings that go to exactly 4:30 so you're limited strictly by dst for one whole hour of extra light?

because it'll be bad for you too, because it has serious negative effects on sleep quality, indirectly on things like cancer rates, accident rates, increased energy use, etc.... most of the scientific community is against it for a reason.


CriticalStrawberry t1_ivi5qtq wrote

Nearly all the correlation with those adverse effects is due to changing the time, not due to DST. The science points to picking one and leaving it alone. It doesn't favor one over the other.


Study-Hour t1_ivi5xk9 wrote

actually no. have you not looked at stats comparing people on one end of the time zone to the other? or stats comparing the non-DST state's energy use (Arizona) to the rest of the country during DST? There's evidence also we basically never recover from DST changes. We just fuck our sleep for years


discojing t1_ivimg62 wrote

Some people, ya know, have set hours. We can’t just change what time we leave or come in.


Study-Hour t1_iviomd2 wrote

I don't think I've ever met someone who didn't either work shifts that would be completely separate from DST changes, or whose office was flexible at least within a half hour.


discojing t1_ivngal1 wrote

It’s in our contract to have coverage from 7AM-6PM. We have a morning shift (7-330) and evening shift (930-6). I cannot change my hours, and I know many people in support positions that are the same.


Study-Hour t1_ivo1ch5 wrote

"I took the evening shift and its dark out when I get off, we should all wake up an hour earlier do it can still be dark when I get off anyway"


discojing t1_ivqf6oj wrote

No. I don’t care what time the sun rises or sets. That’s my point.


CriticalStrawberry t1_ivi5wq1 wrote

No but I lived somewhere that it's basically dark by 4. And it is indeed grim as hell. Give me evening sun.


thepulloutmethod t1_ivi289f wrote

What about those of us who walk our dogs and ride our bikes before work...and take our kids to school.


brock_h t1_ivi4x8b wrote

We shouldn't have our lives accommodate psychopaths


Study-Hour t1_ivi5q0e wrote

exactly why we shouldn't make permanent DST, plenty of deaths, goes against the natural order of circadian rhythms?


puttinonthefoil t1_ivm10ll wrote

So you take your dog out and your kids to school between 7:25 am and what, 8:30? That’s some fast action. My middle school started at 7:25!


CriticalStrawberry t1_ivi3660 wrote

Do you not have to be at work until 10a or after? How do you have time to do all that in sunlight even during standard time?


Study-Hour t1_ivi3nw6 wrote

given even the latest sunrises are at 730, you've easily got enough time for a lot of that


CriticalStrawberry t1_ivi3xei wrote

Assuming you have to be in the office by the standard 8-9am and you have the average American commute of 30-45min, I don't follow how it would be possible.


thepulloutmethod t1_ivi42kl wrote

9am start time, 15 minute commute door to door. I shower before bed so all I need to do is brush my teeth, quick snack, and get dressed.


Study-Hour t1_ivi4f00 wrote

up at 7:30, 15m to walk the dog, 15m to get your kids to school, a half hour bike ride, and then a 15m walk to work? still leaves 15m in there to flex between things


CriticalStrawberry t1_ivi4zkf wrote

The average American doesn't have a 15 minute walk to work commute. We're talking about country wide policy change.


Study-Hour t1_ivi5578 wrote

yeah but the average american also doesn't drop their kids off at school or walk a dog or bike either. And that still would leave, as I noted, a 15m flex time so that could easily be a 30m commute.


snortgigglecough t1_ivie5w3 wrote

I gotta stay out of these threads because every time I see this opinion I become irrationally angry.


Messy-Recipe t1_ivosh6a wrote

ugh I like having it be dark into the morning. matches the morning mood instead of being all like ITS SUNNY PLZ BE CHIPPER AND AWAKE