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adp04c t1_ixuxnsw wrote

We tested our water with a baby on the way and had 4 parts per billion. Copper service and copper main. We found out there was lead joints whatever that means in the old copper pipes which were just recently replace. I think lead also leeches from old service lines from neighbors. We also tested after filtering it and it was 0. We don't drink or cook with the water if it's not filtered.


legalhandcannon OP t1_ixveyze wrote

Was it 4 or .4? And what filter did you use?


adp04c t1_ixvr325 wrote

4 parts ber billion. But this was before they replaced the old copper lines. I'm assuming it's lower now but we still don't drink from tap without filter. We use the filter attached to the fridge which reduces lead by 99% and we replace it regularly.