Submitted by chowhoc t3_yy9954 in washingtondc

Hi, I need some help here. I'm trying to get my room subleased out by the end of this month and my post on Craigslist keeps getting flagged for removal. Thought this was an IP issue but I've been posting from my home here in DC and my IP address is well within the DMV area.


I've contacted them about the issue but got no response. At this point I'm quite desperate as I'm moving soon and can't get the word out with my room ad. I posted on the DCforRent subreddit but the reach isn't high enough imo.


Do you guys have any ideas of where else online I can post my listing? I don't have any social media so FB is out. Greatly appreciate any help/tips. Thanks!



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madevilfish t1_iwt2s3d wrote

Have you tried any of the Facebook housing groups? I see people looking for rooms all the time.


stnuoceh t1_iwt5m05 wrote

Came here to suggest this. Look up dc housing groups on Facebook. There’s a few but most are very active


chowhoc OP t1_iwt70ds wrote

Unfortunately I don't have a Facebook....maybe I should consider making one.


jamie2345891 t1_iwteo01 wrote

If you make a new Facebook, some groups may flag you for spam bc your account it too new. Many scammers in Fb marketplace are new accounts so it’s quite difficult to go this route if you don’t already have a Facebook account.’maybe set one up now and let it age. May need to buy or sell something in the future


cptjeff t1_iwv9kcr wrote

Yeah, the DC housing groups on facebook are by far the most popular tool for this. Suck it up and give Zuck some data.


AugmentedElle t1_iwzmkxw wrote

Just going to add that the DC housing groups have so many people looking for a room that every listing had at least 20 comments and I never even got messaged back when I was looking because everyone found someone to take the room so quickly


Soyeah1127 t1_iwt12ni wrote

Roomster is a decent one. Also good old fashioned leaving a sign up in nearby shops with permission.


chowhoc OP t1_iwt4wms wrote

Thanks! I'm trying roomster and will print out some flyers tomorrow and see if my gym/local cafe will let me put it up in their spaces.


jamie2345891 t1_iwteitu wrote I’ve used this twice successfully


chowhoc OP t1_iwuorde wrote

Thanks for the suggestion! Posted there too


ResponsibleAssistant t1_iwvsrbk wrote

I’m looking for a room/studio in the $1300-1600 range. I do have a dog.


chowhoc OP t1_iwvtsv2 wrote

Unfortunately our landlady doesn’t allow pets :/ sorry