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aj2000gm t1_iwld8fa wrote

Weird. On the first to Ashburn yesterday, it said “Ashburn”


SandBoxJohn OP t1_iwlvxhj wrote

I stopped and toured all of the stations on the return trip Ashburn after riding the first train to Wiehle - Reston East and noticed two train destine to Ashburn displaying a Route 722 destination sign.

Basically what is happening, WMATA has not upgraded the software that translates the destination codes to station names on the cars displaying Route 722 instead of Ashburn. At the time the destination codes were revised for the new stations on the Silver line, Ashburn was still being identified by its Route 722 planning name.

Side note: Destination code 34 has never been changed sense creation of the table of destination codes back in the early 1970s, as the 1k cars were delivered from Rohr Industries with Dulles Airport in white letters on a black background on their old school sign rolls. It is also the only destination in the code table that was shown as future on the 1968 Adopted Regional System Map. I have been told that the Dulles Airport destination sign was included on the roll signs as an incentive to get political leaders to support and build the line shown as future to Dulles Airport.


CaptainSpeedbird1974 t1_iwrwooa wrote

Is it actually possible for the 2/3/6ks to display a silver color aspect on their LED screens?


SandBoxJohn OP t1_iwt34y4 wrote

The 2, 3 and 6k, cars don't have the LEDs needed to display the Silver line color on the side and front destination signs. 164 of the 7k cars were procured to increase the fleet size for Silver line.