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iGrill t1_ixebylc wrote

I'm really glad I participated in this. The turnout was great and the message was clear. I know one single event won't cause a revolution but I feel like I did more to contribute to positive change than sitting at home watching YouTube videos about how bad American cycling and pedestrian infrastructure is.

The mouth breathers in this thread show how much progress still needs to be made towards drivers recognizing cyclists and pedestrians as human beings.


StrangeOldHermit77 t1_ixemqgc wrote

Road safety is a shared responsibility among everyone.


9throwawayDERP t1_ixeweut wrote

Just like crime is a shared responsibility between those killed and their murderers?


Brandonjh2 t1_ixeykol wrote

Terrible analogy. Bikers and drivers both decide to use a shared roadway and therefore share responsibility for safety. Murder victims don’t decide to participate in their own murder…


9throwawayDERP t1_ixf05qz wrote

Uh the biker that died and this memorial was for was in a bike lane. It wasn’t a shared road.


Brandonjh2 t1_ixf0eqq wrote

“Bike lanes or cycle lanes are types of bikeways with lanes on the roadway for cyclists only” a bike lane is part of a roadway…..


9throwawayDERP t1_ixf6byi wrote

Are sidewalks part of the road? A few folks eating dinner on a sidewalk patio were run over. I guess they were asking for it.


StrangeOldHermit77 t1_ixfpu1g wrote

Did they jump their table through a red light into traffic? Then they might be.


hidrothese t1_ixf79j1 wrote

In that case the restaurant has the responsibility to keep their customers safe and they failed to do so. Your argument is still dumb and wrong


DeJuanBallard t1_ixf307e wrote

You weren't born on a bicycle, it's not inherent to your being. I swear you people look for any reason to be victims. People just don't care. Idk when you will understand this but the last thing I'm thinking about whole fighting traffic everyday, is wether or not the cyclist are mad about something. The fact that you immediately went to insulting people with this middle school "mouth breathers" insult is part of why people don't care. No one views you as a victim except you.


SgtPeppy t1_ixfxa8z wrote

Oh hey, I can do this too!

You weren't born driving a car, it's not inherent to your being. (But they do kill way more people that bicycles and take up way more space while polluting the environment!) I swear you people look for any reason to be victims - god forbid you're delayed a few seconds every now and then because a cyclist is doing what they're supposed to (and bonus, generally contributing far less to traffic than a driver!). Idk when you will understand this but the first thing I'm thinking about while biking on roads is [sic] wether some dipshit in a car isn't paying attention or wants to play chicken with me. The fact that you immediately got super butthurt by this middle school "mouth breathers" insult is pretty amusing, because it's just further proof at how thin-skinned you are and you 100% deserve it. Clearly lots of people view us as the victims judging by the overwhelming support and the fact you're buried in downvotes.


iGrill t1_ixfzzm4 wrote

I'm sorry that you're too out of shape to move yourself under your own power but with some diet and exercise you can get to a point where you don't have to rely on a machine to move you everywhere you want to go.


DeJuanBallard t1_iy5hcrz wrote

Lol , nice try but no buddy your the one purposely doing your bike rides during rush hour so everyone can see you. Only your the one complaining your endangering your life just to ride your stupid bike. One of us is gonna die happy, the other one is gonna hit by a fucking truck. Lol


iGrill t1_iy5l1q3 wrote

Please do not murder people over differences in how they commute to work, no matter how insecure they make you feel.


DeJuanBallard t1_iy5ujg5 wrote

Lol nahh I have never hit anyone or anything, I just think it's funny that you live in an area with the one of the largest bike paths in the country and still routinely get hit by cars, while riding in areas you didn't have to be .