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StreetPen t1_iy8umvf wrote

Yes and Yes. But make sure the Senate will actually be in session that day and during that time.

You might even want to see if there are any committee hearings you'd like to attend. They're often open to the public and feel more intimate.


AinDiab t1_iy8yygl wrote

Visitors still need to be escorted into Senate office buildings so they would need to get a staffer from an office to bring them in and then escort them out if they want to see a hearing. That would probably be pretty tough particularly since they are not a constituent of any Senator.


throwawayusa8892 t1_iy8zg37 wrote

Online on the senate website it says foreigners can visit a specific office for these passes? So I’m assuming there’s still a way


AinDiab t1_iy90obr wrote

Certainly that's the case for visiting the Senate gallery, but to get into Senate office buildings (where committee hearing rooms are), you'll need to be escorted by a Senate staffer, which may be quite tough to arrange.


throwawayusa8892 t1_iy9336m wrote

Gallery passes are available for international visitors at the House and Senate Appointment Desks on the upper level.

That’s what’s on their website so I’m confused.


AinDiab t1_iy93i82 wrote

Yep, that's right. We're just talking about two different things.

To visit the Senate gallery (located in the Capitol building) you need the gallery pass, so you should be good to do that.

To attend a committee hearing (located in Senate office buildings) as the original commenter suggested is much more difficult.


Oldbayistheshit t1_iy91fcy wrote

Aren’t they public buildings? Pretty sure you just go in


MidnightSlinks t1_iy937na wrote

Normally yes, but they are still under Jan 6/COVID protocols that require you have a staff escort to get into the Senate office buildings.


AinDiab t1_iy92x3h wrote

In the past you could just go in but currently all Congressional office buildings are closed to the public. To get in you need to have a staff escort.


cptjeff t1_iy94jf2 wrote

They're still quite stupidly under COVID restrictions.


veloharris t1_iya519i wrote

There was also an insurrection which has caused new protocols.


cptjeff t1_iyapluf wrote

You're making a post hoc excuse for it. None of the current protocols were introduced after the insurrection, they were all instituted prior to it for COVID, and have been gradually loosened.


Oldbayistheshit t1_iy94o9t wrote

I just assumed they were open cause the hallways have been packed


cptjeff t1_iy9ue2l wrote

Groups can get in with an escort, and offices are happy to send an intern. But it's still not open for people to just walk in like it used to be.


Texasforever1992 t1_iyamhdl wrote

Senate staffer here, normally it would be very easy and you could just walk up and get a pass, however they still haven’t fully opened the capitol complex back up from the pandemic so that’s not possible right now. You can still get a tour of the capitol which is really cool, but it won’t take you to either of the galleries. I imagine they’ll open it back up early next year, but it’s not a guarantee. The House is going to push to reopen it but I don’t know about the Senate.

You’re honestly not missing much though. Even when they’re in session it’s usually just a handful of senators in there if even that.


AinDiab t1_iybt1h0 wrote

Senate gallery has reopened.


Texasforever1992 t1_iyedmnq wrote

Not fully. You would still need a staff member to escort you up and wait with you in the galleries. If I remember correctly, you also still have to have a Senator bring you up, but they don’t have to stay with you as long as there is a staff member there.

Unless you are fairly important or have a good in with an office, visiting the galleries right now is pretty unrealistic.


judgylibrarian t1_iy9hxsc wrote

You can but honestly most of the day the Senate is in quorum call (meaning nothing is happening)… if you really want to come when there is “action” try to get to the gallery during a roll call vote. And don’t bother at all on Fridays they aren’t usually in session.


rbjd1313 t1_iyaxltt wrote

The website was never updated with the covid changes. On the House side, they finally opened the gallery back up but you have to be escorted by a Member to enter and you must be accompanied by staff at all times. So it’s tough to get.


dragoaus t1_iybft3e wrote

I did that, it was absolute waste of time because nothing much is actually happening. You cannot make pictures, or videos, you need to sit in absolute silence (will be warned for even sensing). Also majority of senators just show up to vote, during normal session you will just see 2-3 senators is several staffers


ALLOUTRED t1_iy96w0w wrote

Looks like the Capitol is still closed to the public. When it opens (probably not until the next Congress in January), foreign nationals can get passes to both the House and Senate galleries in the Capitol Visitors Center. You can just walk into the CVC, although you'll need to go through security first.