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AinDiab t1_iy90obr wrote

Certainly that's the case for visiting the Senate gallery, but to get into Senate office buildings (where committee hearing rooms are), you'll need to be escorted by a Senate staffer, which may be quite tough to arrange.


throwawayusa8892 t1_iy9336m wrote

Gallery passes are available for international visitors at the House and Senate Appointment Desks on the upper level.

That’s what’s on their website so I’m confused.


AinDiab t1_iy93i82 wrote

Yep, that's right. We're just talking about two different things.

To visit the Senate gallery (located in the Capitol building) you need the gallery pass, so you should be good to do that.

To attend a committee hearing (located in Senate office buildings) as the original commenter suggested is much more difficult.


Oldbayistheshit t1_iy91fcy wrote

Aren’t they public buildings? Pretty sure you just go in


MidnightSlinks t1_iy937na wrote

Normally yes, but they are still under Jan 6/COVID protocols that require you have a staff escort to get into the Senate office buildings.


AinDiab t1_iy92x3h wrote

In the past you could just go in but currently all Congressional office buildings are closed to the public. To get in you need to have a staff escort.


cptjeff t1_iy94jf2 wrote

They're still quite stupidly under COVID restrictions.


veloharris t1_iya519i wrote

There was also an insurrection which has caused new protocols.


cptjeff t1_iyapluf wrote

You're making a post hoc excuse for it. None of the current protocols were introduced after the insurrection, they were all instituted prior to it for COVID, and have been gradually loosened.


Oldbayistheshit t1_iy94o9t wrote

I just assumed they were open cause the hallways have been packed


cptjeff t1_iy9ue2l wrote

Groups can get in with an escort, and offices are happy to send an intern. But it's still not open for people to just walk in like it used to be.