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SamHinkieKnew t1_iwzbuo7 wrote

To be honest, this is every city in the Northeast. I’m not saying that’s right and that drivers shouldn’t be accountable for driving like assholes, but it’s just a fact. I will say, DC is far and away the best city I’ve seen at having bicycle-safe infrastructure, which it deserves credit for. We also have a substantial amount of speed cameras in place throughout the district and recently passed a law to make right on red turns illegal by 2025. Many cities don’t employ such measures, which makes life for pedestrians harder.

My only advice is just to always assume that a driver is driving distracted because the vast majority are (watch how many cars are delayed at accelerating when a light turns green because they’re on their phones) and to never assume they will slow down/stop for you until they actually do.

Stay safe.


pantsattack t1_iwzkvmx wrote

Generaly agree with you, but do speed cameras really do anything except make it aggravating to drive (not in itself a bad goal, just not the stated goal)? The city has a reputation for not following up on traffic tickets or getting dangerous drivers off the road.


SamHinkieKnew t1_iwzlvfr wrote

I think your thinking is right on. Speed cameras only temporarily cause drivers to drive slower, but they indirectly force drivers to drive more vigilantly so as to not get a ticket. I often see drivers speed, then slow down when they see a camera and then speed up again when they’re out of the camera’s view. But, just my opinion, that’s more reassuring than having drivers use some of the multi-lane avenues like a highway while texting or looking at IG.


snarkyturtle t1_iwzpfsd wrote

I would say that Philly definitely has it worse. We at least have sorta slow drivers just due to the inherit limited physical space — Philly has more space and those peeps just floor it and expect anyone in their way to get out.


SamHinkieKnew t1_ix01812 wrote

Lived in Philly for over 10 years and it’s considerably worse there. No crosswalk pedestrian signs, deplorable road conditions, extremely narrow roads (old city, so understandable) and a very liberal view of what constitutes an acceptable parking spot (I.e. middle of Broad, the sidewalk, etc). Love that city though.