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drr71-2 t1_iuap395 wrote

Your kid gets dressed up in a costume, gets a bag, and goes door to door collecting candy. How does it work where you came from?


dc_co t1_iuap3fs wrote

It’s like 5-8/9.

Some neighborhoods close streets off and those are generally safe areas for kids. I know near me there are like 3 streets that typically close. It attracts a lot of people so they can hit all three streets. We prep for 600+ kids a year.


Playful-Translator49 t1_iuap7c9 wrote

It’s a thing it’s always on the 31st the little kids start early 4:30-5 ish. Some neighborhoods are more “extra” than others but it seems that trick or treating for the kids is great in DC. Capitol Hill east Capitol street is generally crazy but I’m sure there are other neighborhoods similar


mrmoonpie t1_iuap88s wrote

It's a big deal on Capitol Hill. I'm east of there and have 285 sodas, juices, and waters to give out. Hours are about 5 to 8:30. Walter St. south of Lincoln Park is usually pretty good. Mt. Pleasant also has lots of houses participating. It's expected for parents to drive their kids in from other neighborhoods.


superdookietoiletexp t1_iuba6g7 wrote

P St NW in Georgetown and Sherier Pl NW in the Palisades were fantastic pre-pandemic but were sparse last year and look to be this year as well.


ManLiterallyOnFire t1_iube7pw wrote

Mt. Pleasant is planning to do it up big this year for Halloween. I know the Hobart Street community is super jazzed about trick-or-treaters this year, and the street is officially being shut down to all vehicle traffic for the occasion.


TheyDoHaveIt t1_iubevwo wrote

Lanier Place in Adams Morgan is a big deal


ladykensington t1_iubkqtp wrote

Yes, all neighborhoods expect truck or treating. Probably 6-8 are premier hours, but earlier is also fine. Just look for cues like door lights and lit jackolanterns and you’ll be fine! Happy Halloween!


invalidmail2000 t1_iubnbdy wrote

I feel like this would be a better question for nextdoor as it really is very neighborhood specific.


leahjuu t1_iubnz47 wrote

If you live in a residential area where there are kids, chances are there will be trick or treating — once we moved to brightwood, we got a good amount of them every year except for 2020. It’s always been on the 31st where we are, and 5-5:30 or so is when we start seeing kids come by.

Nextdoor has trick or treating maps, I think, but they’re a lot more sparse than reality!


ieatglass t1_iuc2xu2 wrote

Some places only do it at the rec I think. I have never gotten a trick or treater at my place in queens chapel because they go to the rec apparently


pegggus09 t1_iucbn7p wrote

I don’t know how far north you are, but the corridor of Connecticut just before the MD line is always a big draw on Halloween. I think both the houses and the businesses welcome tons of kids for trick or treating.


9throwawayDERP t1_iudwtm1 wrote

You can either do business districts or the wealthier row home districts. For homes the big ones are Mt Pleasant, Cap Hill, Glover Park and parts of Adams Morgan.

We gave out candy to about 300-400 kids last year and shut down by 7ish. Start is 4:30ish.

Also most neighborhoods are having block parties this weekend. We had one yesterday and are doing a different street today. Two parks are also have mini-festivals a 10 min walk away.