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highballs4life t1_itpnfbb wrote

🤪 Also, as a Ward 7 resident myself, I am curious about the part of Ward 7 that is only "technically" part of the ward...?


msmith1994 t1_itr5n5e wrote

I’m guessing OP lives in the part of Kingman Park/Barney Circle/Hill East that got added to Ward 7 in the most recent redrawing of the ward maps.


highballs4life t1_itrena7 wrote

You're right, I was amused by the word "technically," as if Hill East somehow must distinguish itself from the rest of Ward 7. Also Kingman Park has been part of Ward 7 for at least 20 years.


msmith1994 t1_itrf1rk wrote

Got it! Yeah I also think it’s a little funny. I thought Kingman Park was divided between Wards 6 and 7 until the most recent redraw. TIL.